
Discouraging medicine

Y'know... positive psychology is cool and all, but using it to discourage people from buying medicine to (eventually?) increase sales next quarter is not positive in my eyes.

Focus, yoou see what I'm saying? Next person that tells me to do something I don't wanna do gets stabbed in the throat - just like mine was shot on Davenport.

Seriously man, every time I go out now, all I notice are the ugly fucking giant noisy machines that literally serve no purpose. They don't. They make you go faster if you're in them, and even that is easily falsiable (I know it's not a word I don't give a flying fuck this is clearly going to be another angry freewrite rant so it's best if you stop reading now if you get triggered easily).

I'm trying yet another writing technique: writing, freewriting with my eyes closed. It's fairly easy, and in fact it makes the technique far more stable because by th etime I finish writing this sentence, I will no longer want to go back and edit it, and so we get to the crux of the matter: I have deformed the use of the word "freedom" for personal gain, which by the way, is the ultimate admission that follows: I sometimes do go back an edit my freewrites - BUT BARELY.

ChatGPT boycott attempt #2: I think I lasted 24 hours at least this wek, without consulting that website.

Of course, given the fact that I am still suffering from gaping wounds (and i don't use the word suffer lightly usually, but here I probably am).

Fuck. What. Cars. Impact. On. People.


Oh, and discouraging people from buying weed by fucking with websites à-là Groupon and Shopify is understandable given the SEO wars of previous decades, but I'm hopeful in the future that I won't need to constantly enter promo codes to get the best deal when buying... what I need to buy.

Yep; now, I'm guaranteed to pass because 50% = 100%.

*Sigh* As a former U of T - St. George student, I suppose I should cite the fact that I watched the first episode of season 4 (yes, probably not season, but it is the 4th doctor, I presume?) and it wasn't a dalek. Actually, I've only seen part one - so spoilerwatch in effect - but no one gives a shit about this place inmyhead (except for me, and maybe my ex Ma), but I don't think I remembered to share this place with her, so I'll just keep washing the shirts I bought with her and pray she's doin' alright - if she's Goin' to California.

1 comment:

Gabe said...

I mean it's pretty violent, and I do tend toward literality, however: there is a content warning for a reason. I'll probably edit this tomorrow.