
Life is unfair

Yes no, maybe, I don't know;

can you repeat the question?

- from the Malcom in the Middle theme song

As the theme song played through my iTunes, I remembered that I logged onto here to complain again.

And complain I shall.

This time, it's personal. And very political.

What the fuck is going on in matchmaking in online games on my Nintendo Switch. What the hell.

In Overwatch 2, Microsoft thought it was a good idea to slap the halo regen shield on all characters no exceptions and run with it. Pretty terrible start. And the effects of going free-to-play continue to be felt by those who paid for Overwatch 1 i.e. lower queue times in exchange for terrible teammates (and worse: opponents...)

In SSBU, Nintendo stuck me in a game where (unfortunately; did not take a screenshot) I had two lives instead of three, so I decided to leave the game (in online games, Nintendo does NOT let you leave the game until there is either a winner, time runs out, or overtime is over, which I think is completely fucked up).

I think my gaming woes are actually related to the kicking out of the Russians from the SWIFT system (whatever that is). I can't say this with any sort of conviction, however, because everyone is practically anonymous online (at least through the gaming networks that I frequent). But, the lack of Russian players on the world stage literally makes gaming more painful than before.

Ultimately, I blame the large corporations in the United States of America and the Russian oligarchs.

And it's AI's fault for not preventing World War Three.

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