
Negative, negatively charging up

The struggle to remain positive continues.

Some forces would have you believe that being cool & negative is a good way of living. The scary part is not that people consider such behaviour a healthy, normal way to live: the scary part is that it's addictive - not quite to the level of plastic nicotine cigarettes, but pretty close to benzene regardless.

As you can see, I've already sunken into some negativerb wording, which is not by design but perhaps a reflection of the fact that I'm listening to Rage Against the Machine. The fact that my words (whether this blog or my infamous lengthy e-mails) have seemingly driven every single reader away from this place vehemently spurs me to continue to write on a daily basis.

I am not sorry. This place is, first and foremost, for me, not necessarily for you.

However. This should not stop you from freewriting (in the comments). I might come back to this post in the future and do the very same, because honestly a blog without feedback comments is DEPRESSIVE AS HELL.


I had a (thankfully!) minor bike accident yesterday. There's this curb-asphalt thing on a sidewalk that I used to ride on all the time to get to work on the industrial side of town, and I took it too sharply and wiped out on the gravel. Ugh. I blame my confusion because of my precarious centre of mass, my poorly maintained KHS bike, and of course I blame Winona "Rd". I also blame Oakwood/Eglinton, for NOT having a pedestrian crossing on the east side. I could blame the city truck double-parked in MY bike lane, but then I'd have to blame all the carbrained folk who did not give me my 2m of space (but who can blame them, with all these goddamn motorized vehicles parked in the street like trophies of wasteful capitalism). Oh, and almost getting clipped by a TTC bus was the cherry on top of my dangerous escapade yesterday morning rush hour.

Yep, I'm a biker through and through. Once my palm heals, I'll be a little more careful riding my red road bike, as usual.

Thinking of getting a commuter e-bike with hydraulic brakes, which still means I would be a biker, but a biker who can go quite a bit farther with a little help from H2O (technically).

Till tomorrow,


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