
PoE + miniscule life update

A slow start to the league...

...14k chaos worth about 1 mirror....

still searching for a working Mac-ready PoB that works well enough....

I wanted to level as a CI Ascendant because I think it's an often overlooked keystone (and everyone seems to be gearing for chaos res these days...), but I don't think it's going to win me any favours in the boss fight in Kaom's Daydream.

I still need better tools. Materials. Thankfully, I've slowed down on my purchases of the darkest materials - you know, the cheaper vapes, the cheaper mice, the cheaper pantry spices. But a standing desk that is adjustable might be a necessary accessible purchase to make soon; after all, I've had a good experience playtesting them at my old workplaces, and although the chairs were also of poor quality, at least the mice were optical.

I am terribly afraid that my parentals will arrive at their ruination soon with their garbage purchases (i.e. things I literally cannot cook nor eat) and now they want to hire me again to cook. Fine. But I ain't cleaning.

I mean, without knowing the value of a CAD vs the poultry standard (price of a pound of chicken thighs), it's difficult for me to chart a course for the future, so instead I work on my trading skills. E-trading, skills (i.e. flipping cool items for cooler items).

I have a league start to continue. I skipped 3.24, and I don't want my ruined Wildwood to come back. Where was my goddamn Kintsugi that I kept farming for. Luck of the draw, I guess.

Anyway - question of the day: am I a hypocrite for refusing to watch professional sports (Olympics included) because of all the betting, gambling, alcohol & car manufacturer ads - and then literally vaping CBD whilst playing a giant casino-esque game called Path of Exile 1?

I don't think so. I can't think of a more hardcore, competitive, and yet somehow incredibly homogeneous community than the PoE community.

I'm back on 'softcare' trade, bitches.

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