
The unfairness of it all

I'm going to keep starting these titles with "the", in solidarity with all the F R I E N D S fans out there such as I who are still mourning the loss of Matthew Perry (because, like Neil Peart, he was someone that got me through younger times).

Now that we're on the same page... yes, my taxes are coming in, Ottawa. Entre autres mots (in other words), I have begun the formal process of filing them (pour finalement recevoir de l'argent fiat qui m'est dû) so that I can spend the money on government weed. Mostly. It's really quite an ugly system when you think about it.

Bitter. Very bitter I have become (and continue to be) and am not, for the incessant broken Larrivée guitar continues to play (yes, one of my housemates is a blues guitarist T_T) and resonate through the dusty bowl of a house that has yet to never be deep-cleaned; and obviously this is a freewrite; and it's getting tedious the amount of things I have to do just to publish something online (i.e. labels are annoying). I imagine this is how people felt when Microsoft took over WordPerfect and ran it into the ground. Imagine the way I feel when Microsoft does this to my "video poker" game; and no amount of # body problem worshipping is going to help me get out of this hellhole that I call my housemates' landlord's place because honestly I'm so, so, so fucking sick of living here. It hurts my body, not my mind (and yet it does, according to the philosophical laws of Cartesian Dualism); I just pray Deathraven is actually a spiritual value of mine and not mere fantasy all the time.


Fuck real estate. Like, holy shit: some patriarch or matriarch somewhere out there - hell, let's be provocative: why not a Russian oligarch - can decide: "you know what, I'm sick of living here. I'm going to live hundreds of kilometres away instead, and I am going to spend all the time I spent in the past to accomplish this goal. The government stole money from me, so I'm going to steal land from innocent people now, too".

Well, I get it. It's not fair. And I'm sick of people telling me: "life ain't fair" because the people who say that shit are probably also dealing with their own issues that don't matter to anyone else but them and just because something is written down in english doesn't make it SMART.


It really pisses me off that most of my life I was taught things about economics that made some rudimentary sense - like supply & demand - but then... oh boy, a whole new "pyramid" scheme! Bitcoin! How am I supposed to decide where I should spend my time, time horizon notwithstanding? Do I try and help people who will NEVER make it out of the Fiat system (like it often feels like I meet these people y'know..., and I know this is not professional but I'm in the mood to write whatever I want = freewrite, for new readers this bracket is pretty important I just thought I would let my imaginary editor know)?

Or do I abandon ship and deepdive AGAIN into ANOTHER financial system that MIGHT be better than the Gold Standard - but that at any moment in time, could fail just like the Gold Standard did.

Seriously though, it's not exactly a pyramid scheme if the SEC is involved now is it. I don't even remember what the SEC stands for (Securities & Exchanges Commision) and I'm still pissed off because an american corporation is trying to bully my Canadian corporation with fiat power. In other words, I'm HODLING not only Bitcoin, but BitFarm, mofos. 

And if you try and claw my shares out of my hot wallet, I will turn all your shit into gold (is something a Midas fan would say, which I'm not: honestly, the last time I messed with the Greeks, I probably got lost in a river and forgot everything).

I will keep writing what I want until Google shuts me down; and if they shut me down, I will migrate to WordPress. And if they shut me down, I will migrate to YouTube. And if that shuts down too (because of Alphabet Labs, and because YouTube is literally just pastebin in video format nowadays), then I'll start my own private blogging company, damnit, because it's not fair that all the poor people in the world are now going to be richer than me because they were born in the south and I was born in the globalized North and their so-and-so is suffering (IMPROPER APPEAL TO PITY) so they should get more land than I do (because I literally do not believe that we, as human beings, have the right to own ANY land, naturalistically).

Like seriously, my philosophy is shaky nowadays. I used to be afraid of being reincarnated in Africa (probably because of the omnipresence of the out-of-Africa model, the one of anthropocenic proportions) and now before I lose an actual concerned reader (HELLLOOOOOOO?! ANYONE OUT THERE?!), I will end this post by saying that although I feel and am definitely somewhat materially wealthy (compared to the global average), I certainly don't feel as rich of heart after spending a year+ slaving away in the fiat economy trying to make things better for the local economy (and, it should go without saying but I will say it anyway: the locals who actually give a damn about this metropolis, car speeders notwithstanding, are actual people who have real lives and we are TIRED of having OUR time stolen away by POLITICIANS).

Got honked at for trying to cross Vaughan Rd today. Where the hell did you all go? It's a fucking middle school now with 1-2 people playing basketball on any given weekday at most.

Screw you, ENG4U; and screw you, ____ _______ (not an individual, nor a real place, so it is a _____).

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