Monday 19 September 2022

The second time I got Covid-19 vaxxed

 I'm going to attempt to quickly improve my narrative skills.

It was a bright and sunny afternoon. I was plunged deep into calculations on how best to improve my Storm Brand Guardian, my character in my favourite game at the time, Path of Exile. Having browsed reddit enough for the time being, and after seeing more baaad news about sick people dropping like flies, I got just enough of a nudge to ask my mom if there were any pop-up clinics nearby. 

 No appointments, nothing to fear if I miss a bus (or in my case, if my bike breaks down from my massive derrière), and I was determined, in my analytical mindset, to pick the best time of day whence I would be around the least amount of people, as I usually do with official stuff.

Mid-afternoon turned out to be a solid choice. I breezed through the open check-in tents, confirming basic demographic info with the volunteers who appeared to be from all walks of life, as volunteers tend to be.

Once I was guided inside, my high eyes locked on to an attractive young woman who turned out to be a nurse from the Woman's College Hospital. Once the demographic info was double-checked, she explained the next steps, and before I left, I told her with a tremor in my voice that I appreciated the good work that she did with the Women's College Hospital.

The vaccination was quick & painless. I think it was an older gentleman who administered the shot - trusty white lab coat and all.

Being "trapped" in a room -  socially distanced, of course - in a school gym was actually a comforting experience, especially because the time limit of 30 min or so was clearly marked on the proof of vaccination they gave me. There was no sense of danger, and I was relieved to see there was a darkened section, with movable walls and comfortable chairs & beds for those of us who just hate needles. And I had no fear that if I had a bad reaction, I was probably in the safest place in the world.

When the clock struck the proper time, I packed up my stuff, went home, and mapped some more with my Templar.

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