Thursday 22 September 2022

Freewrite the onyx

 I walked today, a lot, the most I've walked at one point to another and back in one go in a long time yes it was at least a few months because although biking gets me places faster I don't do as much walking when I bike so if I walk then I will be lifting the earth down because the concrete is there.

they laughed, they laughed at me, and it wasn't at me which is really the best part, so it wasn't laughing at me, it turned into laughing with me because I realized I should laugh about it too. all I did was did a few little sprints on the other side of a construction site.

the library; the library had socks. socks for free. that is some good news, because honestly going to a mental hospital for a pair of socks is not worth it.

I think it might be a good idea to continue a new sentence because once I get talking about personal things, it's difficult to know to freewrite because I have to be careful sometimes about what I write, and if it were truly free writing, I wouldn't publish all of it because there might be trouble, or not, if I had Tourette's syndrome would I suddenly not be allowed to write because of bad things people might interpret? fuck the system man, I hate all people equally; there, so boringly unprovocative that no one will read up to here and if they do then they clearly are looking for a point when there isnt or maybe they aren't looking for a point maybe they're just waiting for a full stop.

i dun feel so good. nauseous. i'm barely eating. i don't mind, if I don't feel like eating then I don't feel like eating. forcing people to eat is pretty torturous in my opinion, babies notwithstanding.

I heard a baby wailing outside, and I was like: "aw hell naw, I am getting the hell out of dodge". I whine enough as it is, I don't need more of that in my life.

speaking of babies, have you guys noticed just how many "baby" songs there are? No, I'm not talking about cocomelon, I am speaking specifically about songs that mention the word "baby". I must have blogged about this some time in the past, but those songs sometimes get on my nerves.

Like, if you're singing about a lover or whatever, you don't need to tell the whole world that they're your baby. just call them lover, jeez.

now, I'm not saying all songs with the word "baby" should be replaced with "lover", because then you run into some serious issues with certain songs, for sure. I'm too lazy to find one right now, but they're probably out there. 

I'm thinking all these "baby" songs exist, and are popular, because the word baby is easy to pronounce. I've been trying to sing a tiny bit lately, but I'm so scared of wrecking my voice. Okay no, I'm just shy, like anybody else trying to learn to sing. All I know is I do like Johnny Cash and I was thrice complimented on my singing voice: once by an old school friend while imitating Barney from The Simpsons, once whilst my arms were wrapped around a lover, and once whilst singing Korean karaoke Aqua (the band).

Anyway this is starting to look planned out too much like a blog post so I will end here and leave a song of the day in lieu of a picture (my camera is broken).


Today's song of the day is extra-special to me, I don't really know why.  Okay yes I do, I attempt to awkwardly explain it below:

It was a song I listened to when I was hardcore into WoW, and I remember checking leaderboards or something like that for which guild took down Gruul the Dragonkiller in Vanilla TBC. That guild, Death & Taxes, a european raiding guild, I'm pretty sure (I'm not double-checking) released the world first kill video, and this song (might not be the extended version, but it is my fave) was part of the "soundtrack". It was a damn good video, and I remember it made me want to do the best for my guild, and we did eventually take down Gruul, and that was an amazing time in my life.

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