Friday 16 September 2022

I am SO sick of hearing about PB

 No, not lead. Pickleball. So sick of it. SO sick of it.

It's a terrible sport for a couple different reasons

  • The micro-plastic. I literally just realized this now. These old farts (SORRY for the ageism but HONESTLY, in Toronto, it's 65+ everywhere) are playing this game with these stupid plastic balls on outdoor tennis courts. This leaves micro-plastic EVERYWHERE, right? I mean, think about it. You hit this stupid plastic thing over and over on the concrete, and eventually, the ball collapses from lack of structural integrity. This leaves micro-plastic on the tennis/badminton courts that tennis balls and badminton shuttlecocks do NOT leave in as much quantity. This is all reasoned out in my head.
  • "Oh, are you a 3.5 player? Oh no, you're you 4.0 player? No no no, 2.0 players here, 3.0 players there".... this is LITERALLY Nosedive from Black Mirror. Okay, okay, not literally, it's within the context of a sport, but I still hate that my folks are obsessing over this stupid shit and whining about not being able to complete tournaments because they're not just right enough for you, like, holy shit dude, if you don't want to play the fucking game, find a different one
  • I'm fucking angry because I can't find my badminton racquets and my mom swears she hasn't seen either of my bags (yeah, I hate losing my stuff, especially when one of the racquets participated in multiple tournaments) And yes, my racquet participated even though it's an inanimate object

Anyway, I'm going to link some random YouTube video below because I'm still addicted to that. BUT, and this is critical for anyone who follows this blog and yeah, this is health advice, and I don't give a shit because DISCLAIMER: I'M NOT A QUALIFIED HEALTH PROFESSIONAL (which is to say, not board certified by any means), I got rid of ALL portable/desktop electronics in the bedroom. My sleep is still awful, but I'm not taking an Ativan for it. As long as I get at least 4 hours of sleep, I can clearly write, though I must not go yelling outside for a bit because it's friday and fridays is teacher's night and you do not want to wreck your voice on fridays especially, car c'est le weekend! La fin de semaine! Yayyyyyy, I don't have a 5 day workweek.

Usually my favourite Arcade Fire song, poor spelling notwithstanding.

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