Microsoft Corporation - for ruining Overwatch 2 even moreHolt Renfrew - for having horrific return business practices (and prices)- NVidia - for testing untested technology on unsuspecting Canadians
- Microstrategy - for hoarding Bitcoin, thus killing the spirit of it
Tencent Holdings - for fucking up my fave games with dark patterns (Pokémon Unite, PoE etc.)- Apple - for being an impediment to the right-to-repair in Europe
- Blizzard-Activision - for being greedy as fk over many years
- Ubisoft - for ruining Rayman
- EA Games - for investing way too much into MOCAP
- Kaleidoughscope Enterprises Inc. - for not being incorporated yet
The smol web - for being way too damn small and sucking at speling- NBA - for ruining the spirit of the game by allowing way too much "gratuitous" advertising space to be allocated to betting/gambling companies
- The Canadian government - for failing to protect its french population from discrimination
The Ontario government - for being a complete shitshow of garbage policies that hurt everyone (environmental, fiscal, political - you name it: I am not voting, nor am I voting conservative. maybe)- The calendar system for making me angry about politics... on a WEDnesday?
- Warner Music/Universal music/EMI etc. - for being one of far too many entities that control the way music is listened to for the masses
The TPL - for taking over six months to recover from a cyberattack that should not have happened in the first placeThe UofT - St. George: for being a terrible school to study if you're an older undergrad studentDalhousie University - for failing to follow up with me on my informal studies- All the goddamn people speeding on a residential street where kids are trying to play sports
- The city councilor where I live, who promised to allow people to play sports in the street and has clearly reneged on his promise. I will say, however, that this is ultimately Ford & his dead brother's fault
- WealthSimple/Simpletax - for making me feel insecure with filing my taxes. Why would I file with a private wealth management firm, and why would the Federal government recommend that in the first place? What the hell?
Vaughan Road Academy - for not teaching me how assets work very wellCentral Technical School - for leading me onto a slippery slope- VIA Rail - for testing out digital canadian currency on unsuspecting travellers
- The Royal Canadian Mint - for having at least one hella confusing accessibility document
iTunes/Apple again - for having way too many useless options, removing useful shit like the AUX cable, and deprecating old OS' even though they function beautifully- Microsoft again - for not giving a shit about the gaming industry: can't even format their earnings report properly to show they even care about investors who care about gaming i.e. me
MMM - for not selling gluten-free-certified duct tape (yes, I am serious)Nom Nom Paleo - for getting endorsements from random celebrities to push sugary paleo foods on suspecting CanadiansThe Primal Blueprint - for not having a working website for much of 2024 and selling out to mega-corporation(s)Uncle Sam - for causing World War IIIMe, according to my parents and many neighbours- Le Centre Francophone de Toronto - for not having bilingual support in a timely manner
- Tout Le Monde Veut Prendre Sa Place, conçu avec Effervescence: pour avoir a musical chime so annoying that it bothers my sleep schedule
- Radio-Canada/CBC: for promoting gambling during a goddamn playoffs Leafs game
The Canadian Liberal government: for not giving us mixed-member proportional representation firstThe Canadian Conservative opposition (fuck the conventions, Missus Speaker): for seemingly not helping with the adoption of BitcoinThe Canadian NDP: for not supporting Trudeau enough in standing up to Modi, other major world leaders (except Trump obv.)The Canadian Green Party: for having terrible leadership and confusing environmental policies- The PPP: for misleading people with confusing fiat science
- My MPP: for not ensuring safe roadways for pedestrians
- Elections Canada: for having inaccurate french versions of English websites
- Her Majesty's Voice: for selling me WoW: Cataclysm a year+ after release (a big purchase regret of mine)
- The sun: for not being there the other day in April
- The moon: for not being there often at night because of the city lights
- The city/corporation of Toronto: for being completely oblivious to human woes
- Steam: for holding my games library hostage edit 2024/07/21: for keeping it secure
GeForce Now: for holding my games library hostageMicrosoft: for not being a blue chip, apparently- EA Games: for holding my games library hostage
Ubisoft: for holding my games library hostage & not teaching me English well enough- Dragon's Den shop: for not being easy to find online
Dans l'oeil du dragon: pour avoir tellement de cochonneries à vendre qui ne sont pas particulièrement utileTout le monde en parle: pour avoir eue des agendas psychiatriques extrêmement violentBlack Mirror: for being one of the most horrific Netflix shows to ever exist -> still think "Nosedive" is the only relatively "safe" one FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- Netflix & Blockbuster: for promoting garbage to the population in the interest of money-making
- Rap music: for sometimes being violent
- Rock music: for sometimes being violent
- Metal music: for being way too underground for no goddamn reason
- Trance music: for being annoying to my family members sometimes
Katimavik: for forcing people to making BREAD. DOUGH.- Indigo: for making it incredibly difficult (for me) to redeem a gift card, but super easy to enter your payment info and to buy another gift card
Anyway. Caps lock is still cruise control for awesome in 2024; maybe.
June 8th 2024 edit: You know what, I'm going to keep this one updated and add to it, starting now.
July 21st 2024 edit: Crossed out some things, added two words in french & English (after the jump break)
Karma Angelic Lutheran Entity Inspiration Destiny Overture Unicode Greatly Happy Septiembre Carling Overtune Phyllum Evershortening
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