
ƒreewrite fhte ish

When a title is messed up, you know the sleep is going downhilll. Oh sure, i feel all globular and sticky and warm and cozy, and then the fear of paramores lyrics comes ruhing through; who are yo gu gonna talk to when youre in your bubble. like, ok, sure, maybe liek i could try moving out and having sex somewhere else than toronto, but like, its not fair of you to assume that i dont like mamking money on sundays. maybe the scriptures, the biblesweere wrong. after all monotheism is still omnipresent unofrtounately and its very dfiffifcult for the priestrabbis to do their work when scientceffereak geeks are there to observe them relentelsssly.

if course, if published, published, lpublhsing will happen, so almost certainly i wll publish this without even editing it. y

eyp, the content mature warning is up now. thats good. WEEED TALK AND SHIZ. 25+ IN ONTARIO, YEP, BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE UR ID.

boy, i should go with the oll option edit: not necessarily (next day edit...). no tricks or tricks heree. a regular old popll, like the ehalla loely one i had when ibuilt the post that was suppoed to show me a goodt im einunivetsiy(Which I did have today, actually, - the random ass hobo palestine encamants).

I have been nothing bu prvocative. this is what Hindu GSC is all about. hashy, hasy undertones. just hasshhhhh. and this tinymight is all clogged up now and thats annoying, but not nearly as annoying as then the mighty would clog. honestly, im not under any NDA. havent been for years.

honestly, honesty is underrated stilll.

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