Saturday 3 November 2007

American Wanksta

Yes, not American Gangster, but American Wanksta, because I didn't see American Gangster today. We were supposed to, but a certain someone did not "plan accordingly"! Yes, we got there, got in the lineup at the Yorkdale theatre, you know, like any normal person would do, to buy our tickets, but alas, as we arrived at the desk "O HAY GUYS WE'VE SOLD OUT AMERICAN GANGSTER LOL, TY COME AGAIN".

So, then the Lady who did not plan accordingly herself showed up (late, as usual) and we stood there for about a quarter of an hour wondering what to do with our now disoriented friday night. I once again suggested we go around town putting fake yellow parking tickets on peoples cars just for kicks because well, honestly, that would have been a more productive night then what really happened...

Three of the six people decided we should go to another theatre to see if they were sold out too, but the other three, which included me, decided otherwise and the group split up without shedding a tear. The remainder of the night consisted of the three of us nerdifying ourselves at EB Games and the Apple store. No, we did not take those "ghey" apple-store pictures that you see on Facebook with premade photoshopped settings (oh the agony, I cringe when I see them).

It's a wonder we killed an hour or two just standing around in Yorkdale, really. But we did get free food at New York Fries stand in the food court, since one of my buddies was just finishing an eight-hour shift there. Woohoo.

So, all in all, another wasted day thanks to the Lady-who-does-not-plan-accordingly (okay, it wasn't really her fault, and happy birthday to her =D!) and I'm sure her Sushi-Bonanza on Sunday will be ever so slightly better planned.

Yours in wasteddayness,

Karma Aspiration Linger Entity Iodine Darwin Overcast
Ulysses Grievous Hawt Spectre Citron Ophilia Philharmonic Eyeless.


  1. Do you want to go see A.G. with me? After our french lesson of course ;)

  2. Yeah...truthfully it was somebody else's fault. That person shall remain nameless.

    If you guys weren't playing tennis for so damn long, then maaybe we could have went earlier and bought tickets :p

    Regardless...good entry and uhh yeuh get some.

  3. i dont quite understand how ur title applies..... so u didnt see it...
