

Why do they have the stupidest terms for being drunk?
Why do drunkards play the STUPIDEST games?
I'm talking Beer pong, flip cup. They're SO boring, these games. It's like people's creativity shuts down when they drink.

Well, not me, I'm living proof. I'm really drunk right now with some tequila in me, and I don't feel any less creative. Of course, what you might be reading might be really boring to you, but to me, it'll probably bring a smile to my face when I reread my post later on in life.

I love re-reading old posts. It's one of the reasons I blog - to go back in time whenever I wish. I just really, really wish that more people would comment... it's frustrating knowing you have a lot of people watching you, but no one ever bothering to leave a comment. It's rare that I get a comment anyway.

Well, I'm not here to guilt you into writing a comment, reader, that would defeat the purpose. I just wish that more people would slow down in life and stop whining. Oh, the irony...

So yeah, here I am, drinking after a solid yoga session. I could have gone out dancing, but that would have entailed coat checks, shitty drinks and crowds, all of which I hate.

The upside would have been dancing, music, and maybe some form of love, but I never get lucky on the latter, so maybe it's foolish of me to think that I can go to a club and find love.

That's not to say I don't work hard - I'm working hard right now, aren't I? I could be passed out in my bed, but no, here I am, writing another blog entry so that you, reader, won't feel deprived and me, well, I'll be able to hope that someone out there actually cares enough about my life to send me a heartfelt e-mail, or a facebook message, or even - do I dare say it - a blog comment!

Anyway, it's nice to be a little drunk, I'm not nearly worried about things that I'm usually worried about. For example, I'm not worrying about perfect grammer and speling right now, which feels great. I have enough confidence in my spellchecking abilities not to make too many mistakes.

Karma Aspiration Langune Entité Iodinement Dérive Oisellerie Ulysse Guimauve Hurlement Salutaire Citronelle Ophilia Perspicace Ettore


Chloelols@life said...

I never get drunk, I don't see the point(:

Anonymous said...

oh the irony of spelling spelling wrong.