
What are -you doing with your life-

Y'know, I tend to use this place to vent. If you haven't caught that already, then I don't know what to tell you.

Anyway I'm too powerful for you. That's what the computer is literally telling me sometimes; or is it the echoes of the past, of the deep?

O'er; I was once a scientific poet

Now I am naught but a mimic

Yes, I just lost another game with that ***king Pokémon in the game. Yeah, I'm playing Pokémon Unite again: it's addictive, but it's fun and at least you can tell Nintendo approves because there isn't much actual danger in there - unlike Overwatch 1/2 with its war machines and "utopia".

I am angry, because yes, I won another competitive Overwatch game that didn't matter on the Switch.

I just don't get it.

I try to make new friends, and as soon as I start getting passionate about one of my hobbies, they disappear back into the machine. Yes, I don't blame them, but I do blame my inability to make good friendships last. Of course, they'll tell me: "we work as a team!" and those fuckers did fuck all except make me fill out rubrics which - surprise surprise - tend to make me feel good.

What ultimately really leaves a lingering distaste in my mouth is the lack of caring about anyone about anything: the zombies around me care nothing for the longer term issues, like whether humanity will be around in 100-150k years. No, all they care about is making sure their death machines work properly - mine included.

See, a vape is like a car. Except for very many differences:

  • they generally cost less

Yup; boys and their gadgets; girls and their toys; either way, sex reveals are just as bad as gender reveals and I'm sick of hearing (dare I say - voices from far away? what if they lock me up for this very valid opinion, too?) about LGBTQ+ issues when maddening issues are just around the corner too: the overzealous adoption of a money standard that, in my opinion, is not only full of FUDD (in a bear market, not surprising) but also full of war ledger shit is, in my opinion, the most pressing issue of all at this point in time.

Unfortunately, I'm just an echo lost in a see of grey/gray.

P.S. My younger sister inspired the title of this blog post. Oh and Kelly's shoes, too. I yelled back at her again (my sister, and I am not rewriting these sentences - otherwise it's not really much of a freewrite at all, now is it).

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