
I hate lobbed laws

Okay. This blog is literally inspired by XKCD.com.

The reason I have a copyright symbol on my page?

I have no clue what people/AI are doing with MY data.

So I put a symbol up to protect my data.

Now here's the issue.

I just tried to link today's XKCD funny comic, and because I'm not citing it in their exact, preferred style (which is actually more difficult than it seems to them), I just won't put the image that made me laugh this morning, because the time it takes for me to figure out how to put it on here is just painful.

So, like, why do you bother being someone with humor if you're so stringent on how your humor is used, Mr. Monroe?

I just decided not to link today's XKCD comic out of fear they'll come after me too for "stealing" their ideas.

Oh and I got rid of the random button because it was very far removed from "true" randomness.


Karma Inspiration Eyeless etc.

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