Thursday 22 February 2024

Daytime candle panacea

The yellow-orange glow of the candle next to me is calming. The candle is the herald of tranquility. The candle burns and keeps burning as I think procedurally.

I'm trying CBG flower. What does that mean? Well, you've heard of THC, of CBD? These are cannabinoids, and the active constituents of the Cannabis plant. It's what people usually look for to get high, or to treat various medical conditions. As someone who's had a relationship with marijuana for many years now, it's a bit confusing but essentially, CBG (cannabigerol) is supposed to be the "mother" cannabinoid from which the other cannabinoids (THC, CBD, CBN etc.) are derived from. According to Wikipedia, CBG gets converted into these other (usually more desirable) cannabinoids as the plant ages, leaving little CBG left over when the plant is ready for harvest.

Some cannabis cultivars, like the Panakeia that I just finished vaporizing, retain the CBG and do not convert it into THC/CBD etc., allowing the CBG to dominate with very little of any other cannabinoid. I think this is particular to this cultivar; I have yet to hear of any other strain that has a dominant percentage of CBG. I've heard of high-THC (20%+) cultivars having more than a token amount of CBG (2%+), like Tommy's Grape Galena, but Panakeia seems to be the only one of its kind on the market. It was developed by a breeding program at the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain, which is kind of neat.

Panakeia by Growtown

So what is CBG, what does it do? There's very little information on CBG. And I have yet to see any robust human studies about it. It's like how CBD was 20 years ago; now, it's a multi-billion dollar industry. Anyway, from the bit of googling I've done, CBG can potentially help with pain, could have anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, and anti-depressive properties, and can influence appetite. I've read some sources that say it increases appetite, and others stating it reduces it. The way one reacts to CBG is most likely similar to how one reacts to cannabis in general: it's dependant on each individual's endocannabinoid system.

For me though? I think the #1 thing I've noticed after trying this high-CBG cultivar is increased focus! It's cool because it's one of the effects I've seen other pioneers anecdotally report on, and even if a big part of this effect is coming from placebo, the fact that I effortlessly wrote this entire post while under the influence is proof enough for me that CBG is something worth exploring.

And it is an exploration. Like I mentioned, there are very few studies exploring what CBG does and its effects on the human body, so here I am, grinding up CBG weed and packing it in my Arizer Air Max, wondering what it'll do to me. Since I'm not really exploring the physical world much nowadays (it's been half a decade since I even left the city...), I decided I would continue to explore the inner world; my brain, my body, my rules. It is, after all, the unique experience of being alive. Why not try and enhance things?

It is somewhat exciting being at the forefront of exploring new plant-human interactions, and it's quite likely a much safer endeavour than exploring various man-made drugs & substances that pollute the world today (not that I personally have any interest in that stuff anyways).

Since I'm so openly talking about pot now, I just thought I would end today's post by stating outright that this is not medical advice; if you're under the age of majority, don't consume unless advised by a trained physician; and finally, consume mindfully, responsibly, and if possible, joyfully!

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