Monday 19 August 2019

Le poisson ainsi coloré

It is a crazy thing that I continue to write despite oppressive conditions.
The oppression is a disambiguated word that really does not belong in the city that I live in.
I continue to write, I continue to listen, I continue to pretend to remember what offices I used to camp in.
You may find it strange that these words, ever so effortlessly written, continue to haunt me, but I am frankly sick of hearing things that do not make me feel happy. Writing conveys what I hear, and sometimes all I hear is people discouraging me.
Wanting to convey something that travels near e=mc2 and transcribing it into a continuous theme of x is a wanton thing to do.
I prompted this post by examining a card that beats down any one else.

Frankly, I am mindful that it is possible that someday the cacophony of sound deluges will continue to inspire fewer headaches.
Leibniz notation when compared to newtonian physics: they are related in a classical way. Perhaps I shall continue to forget to cite all the musical influences that afflict me whilst writing for the universally recognized city that I inhabit.

I promised I would upload more pictures, but because I suffer continuously and precariously through incessant musical parodies, perhaps a better platform of noise reduction is advisable (and I will upload a picture after all).