Monday 12 August 2019

History bit - un porte-manteau

I spent the majority of the 5th of August obsessing over plant matter.

By using that day for/to lose my time in front of plant matter, il n y a pas d'options francophiles si il n y a personne qui s'intéeresse à mon histoire t ragique, et pourtant... si comédique!

I hate it when people telll me a word is one way, and they tell me then that it's actually pronounced another way. Do I hate the spell check? Who doesn't? Not me! I'm an expert at it, except when it comes to properly construced grammatical sentences.

Speaking of chimps, I find it strange that there are apes running the show when chimpanzees are clearly far more dangerous.

Truth be told, I would trust an ape over a monkey any day of the week (except tuesday), because on tuesdays the zoo is actually cheaper than the cinema, which I find baffling because it doesn't matter why I choose how to end sentences: eventually, someone will rewrite shakespeare and forget to site Molières.

I'm really not great at conclusions, so I'll just keep blogging.

Might as well start una bibliographia: gets an honourable mention, but I'm sick of webcomics.
Cory Doctorow is a huge inspiration for me, mostly because I've heard that he's Canadian as well.
Chris Hadfield is a national hero, and yet he has publicly suffered from depression. Why?

Parce-que le Canada n'est pas le peuple unis que vous nous faîte croires. That is to say, french, english, and spanish are three american languages. Why, then, are the british so intent on dividing and conquering?

Because they're a broken historical record, too.

Why do they put up such simpleton questions at respectable universities?
That is for you to discover, Kalleigh.

P.S. I love you
Post-scriptum: I hate you.
P.P.P.S.: Three statements don't make a right
P.P.P.PS: Ad nauseam...