Wednesday 15 May 2019

Surf log 1

I found myself casually entering URLs in the address bar when I stumbled upon a CBC news site with pictures of athletes who competed in the 2018 Pyeongchang games.

At first I was bemused by the perfectly curated portraits of professional athletes, and then I decided that it would be a good idea to practice guessing their ages. After doing so for a few portraits, I realized that if they were real people and aware of my judgemental gaze, they would likely feel very uncomfortable, so I decided to start playing a different, slightly less judgemental game. However, I found it was a useful exercise to do because it allowed me to categorize the women into potential dating ranges (with the 16-year old clearly completely out of bounds at my hellish age of 28). According to XKCD, the majority of the clearly-out-of-my-league women were in fact part of my potential dating pool (assuming that I eventually do use dating technology).

Instead, I started trying to guess what province they represent, and found that very difficult. Guessing north or south of my location, on the other hand, was fairly trivial.

Next, I wandered off to visit Erin, ON’s website and had a quick look at the pictures of flowers.
And then I started listening to Jimi Hendrix classics (after feeling weirded out by Gentle Giant).
And then I tried to buy and decided not to because of their pricing structure.

I think it’s time for another vacation.