Friday 3 May 2019

Primal Blue

Full diclosure: The following letter is intended for an immature audience. Please note that improper citation styles ruin the economy. No, but seriously, check out my one and only legit sponsor of this blog:
Oh, and coupon-ing is not an income. 

There once lived an old adolescent who was overweight and lonely. Now, as an adult, he is much less malnourished and still about as lonely, and he no longer weighs 285 pounds like he did at his absolute measured heaviest, but at least he is rediscovering his love of the internet (which was designed and utilized as a communication tool, AFAIK, and not designed for porn, despite what Avenue Q might lead you to believe).

The numbers that speak of my 'ketoprimal' success story include over 101.1 lbs of WHATEVER it is that I lost by eating right and 'swearsweating' (coining this one: when you're angry that you're sweating; similar to 'hangry').

I still love moving frequently, albeit at a hectic pace, which makes me think I have some Korg DNA somewhere but it's probably due to the lack of connection to kingdom animalia that I move around so quickly and yet so infrequently... in front of an electronic screen.

At 28 years old, I ask myself on a daily basis if I'm doing humanity a disservice by 'choosing' not to get intimate but, given the "epidemic of loneliness" that looms over my generation and younger ones, I guess it's an important question to ponder.

I'm not a primal success because I have not found a mate yet and I would probably be dead if I lived in paleolithic times, but I am a success story because I know how to write and express myself through blogging.

That's why I still blog to this day: in the hopes that a future species impossibly wiser than our own will not commit natural fraud ever again by using flawed studies to reinvent the wheel.

I'd like this story to remain private (for the time being) because it is extremely convoluted.


It's probably a programming error on my side, but I thought I'd let the ever-mysterious "Worker Bee" know anyway just in case it can help someone else feel a cathartic sense of release because they found a place that might publish something I write with no strings attached.