Friday 24 May 2019

Remembering John "TotalBiscuit" Bain

John has been a role model for me for over 12 years. I will forever remember him as the main voice behind the show EPIC on Warcraft Radio (alongside his co-host, Kikijiki).

His invaluable advice on the game helped me conquer dungeons ranging from Ragefire Chasm to Karazhan. His hilarious commentary helped me get through secondary school whilst raiding with the best WoW players in the world (shout out to Skullcrusher!).

His game critiques as the Cynical Brit have helped and continue to help me make informed decisions about what games to play. His support of the indie games industry had a huge impact on the world, and he is sorely missed.

Here is a tribute video that was made by a fellow fan [LeftHand Monarch] that prompted this post (and which made me cry):

I will keep gaming and I will be a pro gamer. Thank you for all the amazing memories.

Rest in peace John Bain; 1984-2018.