It's snowing on the streets of New T.Dot City
Many baby boomers ruin the economy; I try to fix things
Anyway... provocative text aside... wtf are the liberals doing for car(d) addicts? At least I try on a consistent basis to self-improve.
The system is rigged against folk like me, sometimes.
GTFO would have been a better title for the movie Get Out; just like Led Zeppelin should have been spelled Lead Zeppelin, in honour of Hydrogen gas.
We are addicted to colour.
Bugs are crushed for color.
Are you against crushing bugs? (Generally, yes).
If so, you're not really vegan because you do not care about other human beings.
(There's argument for ya).
Libertad freewrite #x
I like adverbs because they make things run continuously.
Ergo, I like to use latin because it's not a dead language; it's a language that keeps extant species from going extinct in our minds.
It's so sad that I have so many brilliant ideas; you probably do too, but we're all shackled up by the food we eat.
I want to publish this right now, and I think I should but not before I consider the fact that I can sometimes save a draft instead and come back to it later, something I will certainly not do until this sentence is done; thankfully for me, sentences usually end with a full stop and in this case, there are none to be found unless you're willing to split a semi-colon aka un point virgule.
Remembering the internet
In a convoluted way, I end my sentences with a - hey!
Time for sleep; sleep is not for the weak
It is for the nonfaint of heart
My insides are cold
and dark
Marijuana trip
The park was empty.
I saw no more than three human beings, and no less than two dogs. Other than that, all I could see laid out in front of me were endless water molecules strewn across a barren ice land. It's as if the trees were part ice, part wind, and part sunlight.
Dressed up; messed up; put on a show, so the whole damn world's gonna know
That we were here
Shush; scared to look at things that peer back, it's weird how we fear that
I bought a bracelet today. It cost me 28 bucks with taxes. I'm hoping it helps some music students in the states somewhere, because normally I wouldn't pay such a high price for such a common luxury.
It's a nice bracelet with 24 interchangeably indifferent coloured beads. And it has a crown on it. I hope I don't lose it like I lost so many things this year, including my sanity.
The walker's truth
The City of Toronto is -literally- a corporation. What the eff.
SO MANY BROKEN THINGS EVERYWHERE - like bottles and containers, cracking teeth and retainers.
And I conversed with the outside; and all I heard back were more sirens.
More money wasted.
More fake jobs with f**e people doing things that don't matter; why don't people care?
WHAT. THE. ****.
No one ever seems to ask why. All they care about is the how... to make money to be happy.
I'll build up slowly; it's not easy for me. Maybe you can see that in my writing.
lYRA = Mana.
I am out of mana.
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
We are The Unspeakables.
And we are the ones who kept quiet and always did what we were told.
Originally written on August 26th 2015. I edited out some of the bad swearing.
I still feel so much pain here from the past
I thought I could do it all by myself. I never thought that I would be anyone but myself.
Lately things have been struggling; my dopamine rushes just never stop ending.
I'm not denying myself the sleep I so crave
It feels like a war to take back the night and my dreams are becoming daymares again
I promised older folk I would not consume cannabis
But I still feel so much pain here from the past; I can't sleep I can't sleep I can dream again but I can't sleep with the lights on
Turn off the lights; turn off the lights
It's almost 1 am on the 2nd day of DST (Daylight Savings Time) so in three minutes I'm going to go consume the herb I know the most about
Cannabis indica, with as much CBD as I can find because they bred out Northern Lights to make percentages go higher
I don't care that the older folk don't get the meaning of HARM REDUCTION; IT'S MY LIFE AND THEY'RE FOCOCTED HYPOCRITES WHO CONSUME way worse shit on a daily basis.
And I'm the one who gets drugged AGAINST my will by dumbasses in positions of power
Now that I've made my intent clear, it's time...
Personal hell, l'oubliette, and dihydrogen monoxide
I've had a rough week, Kal.
Yeah? What's up?
Well, someone robbed me. They stole my Swiss Army Knife.
That really sucks. I know you paid good money for it.
Yeah, I've been losing a lot of my valuables this year. I'm not used to having an object literally stolen from me, though.
How do you feel now?
Well, this morning I feel pretty good. I slept well, whereas the night before was chaos incarnate. And plus I feel like my beard is not the way it should be -
Hey, let's not focus on aesthetics today, okay?
Sure. Stay positive, right? But I'm SO angry!
I'm angry too. Anger is actually really important: without it, it would be impossible to express grief.
That's a really interesting idea, Kal. But how can you prove it?
Well, it's not a matter of proving anything... but if you look at the etymology behind the word "anger", it's a Middle English term, and it stems from Old Norse angr ‘grief’, angra ‘vex’.
Je suis vexé. Il y a eu trop d'affrontements envers mon système d'éthique - et le coupable, ça n'est pas seulement les Homo sapiens. Il ne faut surtout pas oublier que dans notre ADN (Acide désoxyribonucléique), il y a aussi du Homo habilis, cette espèce qui pendant des centaines de milliers d'année possédait une maîtrise sur les outils. Je blame le cancer d'une société urbaine, parfois déshumanisante. Effectivement, dans la société dont je fait parti, il y a tellement d'horreurs auquel je suis témoin que maintenant je fais des efforts pourne plus regarder. Je préfère me retrouver avec une amie invisible pour l'instant: l'oubli.
And so my personal hell continues; alone, single, but not depressed nor hopeless. Loneliness, the lack of remembrance for ancient stories of old, the blatant abuse of power by authorities; all of this is a personal hell that will eventually dissipate like water evaporates under the midnight sun on a distant planet system named Trisolaris.
Thus begins my inspiration for this late-night blog post.
Really, all I have to say is that I need some major english writing help, because I'm stuck writing in the first person.
Okay, that's not really all I have to say.
I stumbled upon this article whilst digging deeper into the history of the house I've inhabited for almost 24 years of my life at this point. All I know so far is that arabs lived here before I did, and before that, it was italians. If I go back far enough, I can probably assume this land had been inhabited by some sort of First Nations - maybe the Haudenosaunee? I'm really not sure.
It's nice to acknowledge the past, and in the past, I've dealt with ant invasion. Except instead of doing like Mirka Mišak in the aforementioned quote, I preferred to use a laissez-faire attitude whilst my mother Raided the shit out of the ants. Eventually, we switched to cloves to ward off the rodents.
Speaking of rodents, and more specifically rats, did you know that Alberta managed to entirely rid itself of the invasive Norway rat during the 50s all the way to the present? The details I am providing here are vague, but at this point I just want to finish this blog post and go to bed and wake up to yet another productive day. =]