Thursday 29 March 2012

Free writing: #1

New rules: I am not allowed to use the backspace.

Doctor doctor, what is wrong with me? Why can'tI seem to find the right words for my expressions?
Why do you ask so many questions? Why do I sak myself countless number of questions only to find that nothing has changed.
Do you have a purpose for this words? Will people stop reading once they see that I don't write with eprfect accuracy?
It's actually really difficult to write without automatically pressing the backspace button; I'm so used to using it because I contantsly reainvent what I want to write to make my meaning omre clear.

I can't seem to be the epsonn I want to be... let me try that again (I am not a printer). I can't seem to find to be the person Iwant to be. I try for a little while, i try and follow the decrees but I can't keep up with all of them. I still can't sleep at a reasonable hour; I prefer to dull my brain with massive amounts of internet information before bed at around 2 am instead of actually taking care of my health and following nature's indedtend sycle of sleep.

This is a tortorus blog to write. THe isspelled words are nagging at me like a moqsquito draining y life blood. I breathe and write as as supplementary  way of feeling good about myself. OH THIS IS too difficult! Please let me use the backspace! No, trules are rules.

Living life oh my... jeez, ths is really difficult. Well, it's just like life itself, there's no backspace in time, so I better know what Im doing. I shoul d wtirte faster and faster; on second thought, nevermind, then my writing won't even be legible.

Did I have something important so say? Not really; I'm only writing these lines to get rid of the creative energy that flows through yym veins right now. There's no mutch left. It'd bea easier to feel content writing these lines if my fellow bloggers blogged as much as I do, butg I have yet to find a friend who has withstood the test of time with their blog. They quit, they come back, ( I just cheated there, I used the backspace twiece), but it'S still a lonely place on this blog. Who am I writing to? I'm not writing to anyone; I'm writing to myself so that in my future, Iwill see what I was thinking at the past.

Oh there goes my grammar too... oh dear oh dear, this will not do. I just wish I had more and mroe haobbies and that they didn't reolvele around being near a computer for any length of time. I can't imagine my life without a computer, itS' kinda scary. I mean, I've lived for a computer for a while, so it'S definitely doable... it's just I don'T do it because it's so much... fun? No it's not fun, computers aren't a fs fun as they used to be. I remember when I was little, because I had a windows 3.1, I remember playing with a toucan and him teaching me words.

That was sall so long ago. What happened tow riting? Why do we tweet so much? Why is Facebook so BIG? When's the last day I didn'T check facebook?% Why why why why.

Oh I have so many uquestions, I just wish people would give me answewrs sometimes.
OKAY I FEEL LIKE EATING JUNK FOOD. I do not want to cheat I do not want to cheat I do not want to cheat.
I think I need more pictures on this pblog, to make things colorful. OH GOD, NO, I SPELLED IT THE AMERICAN WAY. THis is my demise.

I want friends. I should wget that cellphne...
Emails no longer mean anything apparenly. Ou can't oraganize things without a cellphone, I'm out of the loop, I could be outside with a friend right now. I am locked away insid e a basement writing words that seem to follow a vague if not distant structure . I hope my witing isn'T too drab.

I'm at 0$5%.

Summer will help.

1 comment:

  1. If you aren't writing to anyone in particular, only your future self, and you seem to be dissatisfied with your computer, then why not write in a journal? Your future self can read it, and it is wonderfully portable to inspiring places like the forest. AND the more you practice your handwriting the better it will get, I know you don't like it, but that is an easy fix in my opinion.
