Wednesday 11 March 2009

Woes of house managing

So last week I was house manager with Dan.

My fifth week as house manager, and it was my worst.

Firstly, because Dan takes absolutely no initiative for anything.
He`s always asking me what to do, it`s ridiculous.
Stop bothering me! Ahhh!

Secondly, because people like bitching and complaining about a lot of things.
Especially a certain someone who thinks that just because snacks aren`t laid out on a silver platter for him (when he gets home starving because he was too lazy to pack himself a lunch), there is no food to eat.

Apparently, people also don`t like to eat whole carrots. They must be chopped into bite size pieces.


I am also proceeding with my coping mechanism to deal with whom I believe is one of the biggest assholes I have ever met.

Harsh words, I know, but really, I think it`s true.

Bahahaha you better get your filthy hands off my desert!


  1. Hah, caught at last. You spelt dessert wrong. Unless you really did mean desert, as in Sahara...which would be interesting because you're in Quebec...

  2. Sorry child, I am in fact referring to a real desert, as in Pink Floyd`s desert, found in the song ``Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert``, from The Final Cut.

