Saturday 31 January 2009

Fairy lust

Day 2 of Laura.

Perhaps I should explain myself better.

Laura happens when all the little negative things that happen daily to me, that I shove back somewhere, resurface and present themselves. When Laura leaves, I also believe that these negative things leave with her. So I think I need Laura. What if Laura never presented herself? Would this negative space that I have keep getting bigger and bigger? No, I think this space has a limit.
Maybe what I need is a different remedy than Laura.
Laura funnels the negatives out just once in a while, but what about... a different form of Laura, something that maybe doesn`t present itself as clearly as Laura, but still gets the job done?
Mary Jane? I don`t know.

Today we went volunteering - we started building the decor for a play (Annie) that the local high school is presenting sometime in April.

I`m not going to complain about the job that I had (it was cutting strips of tinfoil and twisting them into long rope things) because I got my peace and zen.

Zen twisting aluminium foil. What do you know.

Tonight, we`re going to the bar (Freddy`s) with our Project Leader, for it is his last week with us. I`d feel like a loser if I didn`t go, and if I stayed at home tonight as Laura, so I kind of have to go.

Saturday is Ladies` Night at Freddy`s, so the gals pay like 8 bucks and get unlimited beer, or coupons for a bunch, one of the two. It changes.

As such, I only pay three bucks for the coat check, and I can mooch for the night.

If you don`t know me enough, I never get myself drunk, because I`d hate to rely on other people to get home safe, or I just don`t want to deal with all the troubles that inebriety entails, and also to keep my hair safe. Countless stories about shaved eyebrows when you wake up in the morning have kept me wary.

I like the taste of most beers, and I can drink quite a lot without getting drunk, which suits me just fine. There`s also loud dancing music, but I`m not sure if I`ll dance, because I don`t think Laura can dance.

Will I just lurk in a corner and look all shady for the night?

Who knows.


  1. Without my hair, I wouldn`t have fun!

  2. Some recent pictures of your hair has surfaced on my news feed and it's looking a little lackluster Gabe. I think someone has been neglecting it. So just get drunk and tell me all about it, then I will make sure to act all high and mighty just for you!

  3. And what about Maura? You know, the better Laura. The rhyming makes if fun.
