
Between Us

So, most of the time I've been writing blogs, I've been writing it for an audience. But I've come to realize that people don't reallllyyyy care about what you have to say unless it's funny or brings new ideas and stuff. Sure, I like getting comments, but hey that's where it ends.

That's right, I've come to realize that this blog is written mostly for me. Where I write down things that might be useful somehow. Anyway.

I just found my ol' Gameboy SP. Interestingly enough, it was still fully charged from the last time I charged it a few months ago. And I made a new Pokemon BLUE profile. And I picked Squirtle because, well, Pokemon Blue is allll about Blastoise. I'm in Vermillion city now, just beat Lt. Surge! Lolz! Sweet. It was tuff and all because I mostly have bird pokemon and Squirtle. But I busted out Clefairy and slept them to death. It was sweet.

Badminton season has started! Oh man, this is MY year. OFSAA or bust.
Edit 2011/09/30: ^Edited to not come off nearly as arrogant.

I'll be seeing a live Trance set soon, because I'm in the mood for one. More info to come fer sherr.

Shiat I've got some Spanish quiz and English presentation tomorrow, so I should go sleep and all. Or finish leveling Farfetch'd ><. Oh, and to that one person, I haven't forgotten you eh! Yeah, you. You know who you are. No one else will get it. Except you. In fact, this sentence might as well not exist as it makes zero sense to anyone else. Which is cool, like a secret code. But I don't think you'll read this anyway. This is Kaleidoughscope, reminding you that Rock and Roll ain't noise pollution.
Karma Aspiration Linger Entity Iodine Darwin Overcast
Ulysses Grievous Hawt Spectre Citron Ophilia Philharmonic Eyeless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hah, this is the closest thing to emo that I've found here.