Thursday 23 February 2012

Gabriel, The Environmental Philosopher

Another crossroads - too many choices.

I've always loved nature. When I was younger, I was crafting bows, starting fires, whittling wood to make spears and building shelters. I was so happy because there was just so much stuff to do in the wild. From chasing chipmunks to whale watching, I was a serious lover of just about everything in the natural, physical world except maybe mosquitoes (I still think they should be wiped off the earth, just like politicians).

Then one day, I discovered the internet, and I thought to myself "Gee, why bother wasting energy and moving my ugly butt around to see stuff when I can do it just by pushing a few buttons". Thus began my teenage legacy of blogging, playing video games and meeting people online - and I wholly forgot about the world that was out there. I forgot how awesome the feeling of building your own shelter and spending the night under the stars was.
I traded my environmental soul for a technological body. Well, it was fun for a while, and I sure did rack up a ton of gold in World of Warcraft, and a ton of kills in Halo.

But what will that accomplish? Sure, I could (and still want to) make a career playing video games and conquering the video game world with my insane reflexes, but there are still around 137 species of animals, plants and fungi going extinct every single day on planet Earth.

Ideally, I'd save the planet by day and play video games with a real team at night, but I'd have to be pretty amazing to pull that off. Well, I am amazing, aren't I? You're all amazing too, especially all you students grinding yourselves through university just to get a paper so you can get a job.

Well, I want something more from my time on Earth, however long or short it may be. I don't want to "live fast and die young", like MGMT sings in "Time to Pretend", killing myself with drugs, alcohol and cheap music.

So as of today, I've decided that want I want to be when I "grow up" is an environmental philosopher, because that still leaves a whole lot of options as to what I would truly do in life. A marine biologist, why not? It's just, I can't tolerate all the stupid ridiculous wastes of time I'd have to go through at university just to be able to formally study animals in the oceans. All the money I have to spend, all the energy I have to give to all these big boxes that teach you stuff just so I can do what I want. Oh, right, I have poor science marks. Boohoohoo.

It's going to be ridiculously difficult to actually somehow make something amazing with my academy of thought, The Illustrious University, and still stay true to my beliefs about how people and especially, how I should live life.

You teach me, I teach you. It's as simple as that. I'm sick of having to collect money to do fun things. I'm sick of having to buy my drinks before 11:30 because it's half-price till then.
Why can't you and I do what we want if we don't bring harm to others?
Why can't we live somewhere without borders and without policemen  and lawmakers saying "no, you can't do that"? Do I really have to move to a different planet or something?

I'm too much of a scaredy-cat to pull an Into the Wild, but really, that seems like an excellent solution to my plight. I just can't do it alone.

Till my dreams come true...
... I really do need a part-time job.
To pay for school, you know.

Karma Aspiration Langune Entité Iodinement Dérive Oisellerie Ulysse Guimauve Hurlement Salutaire Citronelle Ophilia Perspicace Ettore

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