
Better striking

Strike price.

Strike targets.

Striking first.

Writing a blog post starting from a random blog title is, for once, creative.

Going counter to my usual method of writing shiz down then figuring out the blog title, today, I try and share something differently and with more positivity.

My life doesn't really suck all that much. There are certain things that I can't really express on here, despite all the anger, despite all the love I feel sometimes; it's all improving, regardless.

In retrospect, I have poor emotional control, and the problem I face is that I rationalize my extreme states by ultimately arguing for my arguments from the past; i.e. it's okay that I'm angry and yelling because it makes me feel good - temporarily.

Then regret sets in, until time heals and washes away the regret, and I continue with my relatively sane routine of taking care of myself, not overworking, and avoiding the lack of silence as much as humanely possible for my bleeding ears.

Okay, that last paragraph is a bit scary; maybe I'll revisit it later, maybe not.

Either way, it's been a gorgeous couple of 20 degree plus weather. For the last of you Americans holding out on the Fahrenheit scale, that's room temp. At the end of October. Crazy, and yet most definitely not unheard of.

Ugh. Writing in english is such a slog; but I write so much faster in English that I just can't seem to... change.


For an optimist, I'm pretty relativistic

Relatively speaking, I'm less angry over my Overwatch losses (and wins too).

The only aspects of the game I'm still bitter over are the following:

  1. The switch from 6vs6 to 5vs5 (the upside is a more defined tank role)
  2. Free-to-play diluting the player pool (the upside is the queue times have -never- been shorter)
  3. How lonely I feel playing this game for thousands of hours, but never with a team of friends (the upside is that I use this game to recharge my emotional/social 'buoyancy')


Eye exams cost too dang much

The glasses cost less than the eye exam. That's insane.

Yeah, but the glasses cost too much.

And they come with a particular filter.


I am the supervisor

Can I get the taxi number?

... I dunno it.

I do know to check the yellow circular light; something the OPP doesn't seem to care about.


Gum on the woolsock

Gum there was on the sock. Gum I took out of the sock, piece by piece; it gummed up my fingernail. Ke$ha playing on the radio; I gum up in silence.


Whilst reading up on the Canadian Copyright Act,

I came across this beauty, after reading some of the glossary terms like perceptual disability:

Oh and before I show you it, Google needs access to my cookies (?!) to allow me to upload to my personal blog for some reason?

Instead here's a screenshot of what I'm trying to show you, taken by my OnePlus 11 (this for future me to remember my current phone era):



A nonsensical title for a sure-to-be confusing topic for most.

Little incredible things here and there that amaze me; such as follows is one (and I'm sure one day the last line will be considered "proper" grammer; somehow).

The BE CAREFUL voices continue, and are they ever annoying. As if I would self-censor to write on here.

All I'm getting at, and that's not all, is that I did something incredible in my music library this afternoon, whilst distracting myself from the strangers being paid to build shit in my parentals' yard.

I found - and paused - a direct splice.

Not just a -FC, but an -EC that turned into a pause that turned into the Front Cut of one of my top three fave trance songs of all time: Alphazone, with the original mix called Flashback.

The End Cut was from an artist called Sigm- something (Sigmoid?), and now all I think about is Overwatch 2's latest patch which, so far, has not been terribly received - nor by me, nor by the 1 or 2 content creators in that space that I regularly watch videos of.

One of them queues in mystery heroes (or rather, has at least one in their lifetime; I'm pretty sure my memory is good enough for that tidbit of souvenirs (which by the way, I think are a bit over the top on the MTX but considering the state of the industry currently I'll let it slide)).

The other is me, and while I watch "videos" of myself, I hardly add any .avi or whatever files to the internet because I've been burned one too many times by websites that go out of business. I'm keeping that last sentence as-is too, because I don't think it's right to treat the internet like a dumping ground for terrible business plans.

And here I am, a hypocrite on Blogger.

Well technically not really a business at all, since I haven't made a dime nor have I advertised anything other than... well... sometimes not the worst music in the world. So actually not a business; still a venting ground.


Took it ez

ChatGPT consulted for this one.

Whoa. I asked it to make me a plan for a good friday night at home, and it seriously impressed me.

In fact the only reason I'm blogging high at the moment is because it was recommended I do so by the AI. That's actually pretty cool.

So yeah, I'm relaxing and taking it easy.


L'action de grâce paléo

J'ai pas grand chose à rajouter à cette image. C'était délicieux et filling!

Oh, I go by Kaldoce (khal-duss) for my short form artist name. It's growing on me.


Reckless sirens; serious sounding writs continue

Okay what: it's a beautiful day in Toronto, Friday morning, and there are horrible screeching sirens that sound like an amalgamation of the dying screams of the sick care system. At 9 am in the morning. The sun has been up in T-Dot for at least a couple hours.

Until further notice, I assume they're bored dickheads who make more than I ever will as gov't employees, running around with their firetrucks and ambulances and the other militarized weapons against civilian peace. The alternative is terrible gov't waste.

Sure, I disturb the peace - with the strength of my voice, and with my thyroid imbalance, I can't constantly be blaming myself for my past (and probable) future not-so-non-violent words.

The neighbours continue to annoy me with their less potent version of death machines - mostly strollers and cars; but as I've yelled here & there, my value judgment here follows Orwell's: two wheels good; four wheels bad. And I don't bike much because I don't sleep much and I value my life more than random adrenalin boosts; such is life in my neck of the carbrained woods.

In other news*, D4 still bad, Diablo: Immortal probably better on my phone (yes, I finally have one that can run Genshin Impact natively, as well), but still no sign of Path of Building - which isn't necessarily a good piece of news for me either.

On a final note, I went to Queen's Park/Innis College yesterday. Here's a crop of the place if you're a curious recovering student politician (as I was once wont to be):

P.S. The random strangers/streetwalkers on the street talking to themselves (preferentially not me) - YOU'RE cool. Especially in a gentrified neighbourhood (where I currently write this) where everyone talks crosswise and nobody listens ergo nobody cares.


A cool link (to prove something)


Any of my old pals around and want a board game meet up? Vous avez mon numéro de téléphone, sinon mon adresse email.


I was prolly here

Writing an endless story; not necessarily in school; don't necessarily need to cite yet, with the Son of the Citation Machine (EasyBib) around.

Anyway: here's another unedited photograph straight from my relatively new Nordic-inspired cameraphone.

Oh and Floor Jansen (sp?) is an inspiring lead singer!


Yet another new year

So another new year day; another day where I continue to listen to the same old teacher over (AI/AUTOCORRECT ALERT) tracks, tracks can my fingers keep up with?

As I continue to write rather impersonally and truffled with literal anti-Grammarly mistakes, the difficulty of writing with a Hello Kitty band-aid assaults my ears with shattered glass of weathered panes.

We look they were giants. How will I ever come back to this carangered post of angered destruction; annihilation of -you suck at this one- GOTCHA BISH.

 A voice hearer heard, and a sight see-er saw, but the doer o'er both yer a trout to me.


Oh, it's next day already?

September is over, witch.

October has just begun; spring has yet not sprung.

There's been some violence in the air: I can smell the stench of decay in the air.

There won't be much subject matter here, because you guessed it: it's another one of my damn "freewrites". I won't label it as such: my vvoicces have been rather controlling today.

"How dare you vape here"

to that I yell back:


The neighbours are parading around their little children next to the giant SUV death machines, wondering if it's safe to drive 30 in a 20 to get their little ones to school.

I don't care.

I vape THC.

It's vapour. It dissipates in an instant, even if you don't hold it in - if it burns, watch out, and try again next day.

Oh I watched a movie called Happy Face. It was labeled a "feel good" movie. Okay, I felt good during it, because I finally LoL'ed, but honestly it has a TERRIBLE ending. Like most american/amazon movies.

Like honestly, spoiler alert: just another Shawshank Redemption-esque scene.

Anyway I got jealous at the beginning because of the free Oz of weed that magically materialized and that Jane forgot on the stove because she was just as worried as I have been about losing my bed.

Like wtf kind of shitty plant dealer does that to a client: steal their shit and their right to a good night's sleep. 

Well anyway, time to go vape my indicas. And you know why Cannabis loves me? 'cause I HATE returning to sender - what a WASTE of butane. 


Sad news sports day

ChatGPT consulted to confirm that the ensuing subject matter is more accurate than not (i.e. which teams did he play for?)

Yeah, it's a (sad) news day. Be careful with her. Be careful here. Death & not much to do with taxes up ahead. Death in the NBA, that is.