
The 34th

In spite of all the negative swirlies in my head this morning, l'll try not to make this one a bitter one.
It's my birthday again, you see, and I spent way too much time this early morning wondering if this one would be different in a better or worse way to all the other ones thus far.
Well, they say comparison is the chief enemy of joy, so I'll stop doing that; smile, shut up, and carry on.

... Okay I can't help it. The fact that I was giddy about blogging on my new phone in bed, and that I got tied up messing with the autocorrect settings, and that I get to wake and bake and vape the best weed in the world makes the loneliness on this birthday totally worth it, and is probably an indicator that it has, in fact, been a more interesting (and intricate) one than last year.

Really, it's an age-old lyrical question: are you really lonely if you're friends with Mary & Jane?

On the menu today: no gluten, hopefully not too much starch, some natural sugar, lots of vanilla, and my fave video games: OW2, PoE, SSBU & the rest of my Nintendo games. Perhaps a purchase or two of something new but not totally necessary (a standing desk? an ergonomic chair? a new sketchbook?), and the word bespoke need nowhere be.

Haps birthday, yo. Glad the pandemic's over. See you in the future!

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