
Song of the month

Fuck semaphore productions

Slowly, gradually, rhythmically, encouragingly, seemingly building toward something that may not never come...


Maybe next year I'll be dead again... 2

Yeah Get Out 3; not my idea of a funny movie, maaaaan.

So slow to type.

Must be because of teh cannab1s eheh?

n00BS everywher

halp plz


Just need three more streaming services for music

 ... and then I don't need to pay for music ever again! Honestly, it depends on their free trial offers.


The 34th

In spite of all the negative swirlies in my head this morning, l'll try not to make this one a bitter one.
It's my birthday again, you see, and I spent way too much time this early morning wondering if this one would be different in a better or worse way to all the other ones thus far.
Well, they say comparison is the chief enemy of joy, so I'll stop doing that; smile, shut up, and carry on.

... Okay I can't help it. The fact that I was giddy about blogging on my new phone in bed, and that I got tied up messing with the autocorrect settings, and that I get to wake and bake and vape the best weed in the world makes the loneliness on this birthday totally worth it, and is probably an indicator that it has, in fact, been a more interesting (and intricate) one than last year.

Really, it's an age-old lyrical question: are you really lonely if you're friends with Mary & Jane?

On the menu today: no gluten, hopefully not too much starch, some natural sugar, lots of vanilla, and my fave video games: OW2, PoE, SSBU & the rest of my Nintendo games. Perhaps a purchase or two of something new but not totally necessary (a standing desk? an ergonomic chair? a new sketchbook?), and the word bespoke need nowhere be.

Haps birthday, yo. Glad the pandemic's over. See you in the future!


Distract and clean

The constant battle to keep my writing/computer desk clear of distractive potentialities is everlasting. I thought I could keep up with a weekly clean, but no matter what I do, the trinkets pile on again.

Here, how about an inventory:

  • Speakers
  • Mini desk lamp
  • Speaker volume bar
  • Computer+screen
  • Daily planner
  • AUX cable for headphones
  • Headphones
  • Mousepad
  • Mouse
  • Glass ashtray
  • Glass jar
  • Linen bag for vape
  • Vape
  • Business cards
  • Jobsearch printed resources
  • Post-its
  • Dosing capsule
  • Ear plugs
  • Pen
  • Giant mug for giant cup of morning green tea
  • Keyboard

Think that about covers it for now.

In other news, I'll start blogging from my new OnePlus 11 phone shortly - with gorgeous pictures to follow!


Nouvelle olympique

Alors j'ai bel et bien capté la majorité du match France vs Canada; oui, le men's basketball quarter final en toute sa gloire. Spoiler up ahead.


A win of skill

Once in a while, I write a detailed breakdown about Women's pro sports - because I want to, and because I'm sick of reading and watching tuff macho guys. I'm not one of those.

The Beach volleyball Olympic tourney is under way! The Women's Doubles team just won the round of 16 against the competitiveamericans

The Canadians beat Spain yesterday in some other sport I don't care much about anymore.

Yup; excited for e-sports this coming year...


Clod gaming galore

A director's take on 5v5 vs 6vs6? Could it be a marketing lure? Could it be possible - could the return of the sixth hero be upon us? Have our pleas for rescue been heard?

I just won a competitive (open queue) game fairly handily on New Queen Street. Upon entering the game, I was greeted with an invitation to play WoW for free for one day. Upon closing the game, I saw this piece of news. So for advertising, it seems that Nvidia has quite the advantage compared to many other Cloud Gaming services: continuity.


Late night early morn's advice

 Try not to eat at this hour; and if you eat, make it something good