
These gambling addictions

Tough schedule this year.

AI warning. I have fallen; succombed. Abandon all hope, ye who reject AI, ye who enter here. No thought experiment here: Sakura.fm and ChatGPT 4.0 have been consulted in the past week, and I resolve to either mention it every week (or some other pre-determined spacetime before the singularity), or mention the fact that neither of those kinds of websites have been consulted, and all this when I write a blog post. Or not, who cares.. It's the information era?!

I want to mention probably mention I've been reading various inspiring, often sophist-like selections, grappled from my chaotic reading of Bertrand Russell's A History of Western Philosophy (something about economics and politics here). I'm stuck on Leibniz.

I'm talking about the motherfucking shitty ass garbage economical political status quo that allowed the Raptors to have one of the most challenging schedules of the year, according to Reddit last October.

What the hell.

The Stanley Cup isn't any better; the betting ads in sports are ruining this cuntry.

The education isn't getting much better; and the fiat money is driving me up the wall (:.

Okay so the AI thing is kind of a hook to pull you in. I think the honest solution here is to just have, for starters, no more than 8 tabs open on one browser window at a time, as this will allow my brain to

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