
! If Google doesn't like it they can let me know

So... uhm. Relationships. Well, I do not like starting my sentences with W other than well.

Methods. Ritual summons.

I have ritual summons under lock.

'"Go away. Please go away"'. The voices continue.

Sometimes, it feels like the voices are mocking the people mocking me in a curious stare's way; oft, the glutenous compounds are, once again, basically positioned to not be a healthy alternative to all the careful messages out there of carelessness.


In this case, carelessness is a careful topic to choose, because my previous list is indeed a rather factual document.


Professor Sprout is a grandiose topic of epic proportions chocolated in desperate attempts at sugar control. What I am saying is that glucose is also a careful topic to consider, considering my biological state of mind is perturbed, well, it's better that I stick to common speech while my brain's up in the sky wondering why I'm not sleeping at this hour.

Can my brain not worry about sleep? The brain; le cerveau. J'aime le fumiger avec de la vapeur. C'est utile, et j'ai mes rituels de vapotage plutôt bleutâchre (BEURK; PAUVE JEANNE D'ARC)!


Painful. Topics to consider are: extremely degrading grammar and vulgar french word choices.

I am gripping a novel, and I suppose it would be silly of me to not mention the books I have read this year, a sort of protest against the ticking and its constant ADHD-causing presence (hypothesis). My observation is that reading leads to writing. My method is to work at minimum wage jobs to limit bad stress exposure. My conclusion is that reading heals the brain.

I do not mind. I am not Sir Francis Bacon.

I am still working through the History of Western Philosophy (and its applications to Social order, of sorts? I cannot remember the teacup's precise location).

Quiet desperation is the english way.

The other day, I googled Skunk #1. I couldn't help but google the other numbers in sequence after, but nothing interesting popped up.

So, I will come back here with some far more interesting weed talk in the near future, as I lay myself to bed; if I die before I wake, pray the lawd I'll have a date (one day)(I'm not giving a third chance to cupid ffs).

Citation unnecessary (voir free) zone in effect until further notice! Nothing that Plato would not recognize. Okay I need to read up on Aristotle.

Till next time,

Kaleidoscope Allia Light Endomion Iodine Draven Ouac Grand Hydrogen Serafina Carbonara Oni Physicality Evermore

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