
Joyeux pride

Happy Pride everyone!

As a genderqueer straight mostly cis guy (bear with me...), it's nice to finally feel comfortable enough to want to celebrate Pride this pride month.

As an ally to the rest of the LGBTQ2S+ community, it's nice to be able to celebrate pride in the best city-state (next day edit: okay maybe eventually) on Earth.

Anyway; that's my coming out story.

I went to the lake this week and dipped my legs in. A breathtakingly refreshing experience! I recommend it to anyone who knows how to swim: the rocks by Lake Ontario can be slippery.

The water was slightly warmer than I expected for early June.

The last remnants of Ontario Place were there, desolate and abandoned, but the mental image remains etched behind my eyes.

I just hope the card key system with the tall maze thing comes back. That shit was SO much fun. I don't care if you have to go through a private sauna to access that kind of play park again; at the very least make the maze public.

Biking is scary in this city on the best of days if you haven't been biking downtown in a little while. Defensive biking is difficult, but necessary.

Spitting more true facts out: I have a tendency to love to hate. How lovely.

I eat almost always at the wrong time of... night. Gah.

Okay the rest of this stuff should probably go in my personal journal but just know that if you're out there, and you have an eating disorder like I did... like I did, I said. Okay, maybe like I do (get off my BACK imaginary lawyers) - look into the ketogenic diet. It's useful and safe for more than just epilepsy. And if not that one, then one of the trademark-like diets like Whole30, or AIP-paleo.

That being said, I'm not a nutritionist... yet. Nor a chef. Yet.

I implore myself to go to bed, for once. Teefbrush and nappy nappy.

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