Wednesday 5 February 2020

On The Road to Smash

It's great to freely be able to write about pretty much anything, and I've always thought that writing about something is better than not writing at all. I like writing about writing a lot, because it's so easy and it kind of feels like a cheat code to get out of writer's block.

I'm almost done "On The Road" by Jack Kerouac: I have a half-dozen pages left and it's not a bore. I think the fact that I mentioned not having read the book whilst citing it as an influence on my writing was making me feel inauthentic, and I have to say it's a fun book to read because there's always something happening. I tend to read pretty fast, which makes it possible to get through books in less than a month (which is about how much time it took to read it), but the downside is I'm not going to win any awards for what I interpret from it. That is to say, I'm not quite sure what to take out of the book other than getting a sense of what the beat generation was like.
Supposedly, some of the characters are modelled after real people from the era, like Kerouac himself and Allen Ginsberg, the poet, and I'm not huge into that scene so suffice to say that I enjoyed the book for the excitement of seeing what it might have been like to live in the late 40s/early 50s on an American road trip. There's lots of introspection on behalf of the narrator, and it's kind of cool how easily Kerouac describes the transitions from one side of the country, the atmosphere of the west coast in California and the bustle of the city in New York, and of course the feel of what it's like in Colorado.

Other than reading "On The Road", I've been obsessively playing through Super Smash Bros Ultimate on my Nintendo Switch for entertainment and the addictive nature of beating mini-stages and collecting spirits to level up is starting to wear off. I'm playing through the adventure mode, too, and you collect spirits in there that can help you beat other spirits, and you can send some spirits on missions to find items to defeat other spirits but I don't really see the point so the fun is in playing the various stages with varying conditions and I let the computer decide what spirits match up best to defeat the CPU opponent.

And of course, I play Super Smash online. I played a lot of Palutena last week, but I like to switch characters around a lot so I play some Zelda and of course some Roy, too. Once in a while I'll try a character I'm not great with, like Robin, and get completely destroyed but the "Global Smash Ranking" doesn't mean much to me so I don't really care if it goes way down from the 4 million points or whatever. Really, it's always fun to play against real opponents more rather than stacked-up CPU bots, so I play online and although I know that video games suck up way too much of my time (so does Reddit... again!), maybe it's okay because it feels like I'm at least doing some thinking about how best to win.

I'm finding it tedious to upload pictures from my Windows Phone, but the pictures I take are uploaded automatically to the cloud, it's a matter of transferring them from one service to the other and I said I wanted more pictures on each blog so here are some pictures I have lying around from a couple months ago when I was playing Smash and kind of annoyed by Nintendo for having a "Melee" tournament with Smash balls from Brawl and I was going to upload them to Nintendo or something to get something changed but I can see in hindsight that that would have been a complete waste of time so I'll put them here instead.

Now the Raptors are playing and since we've gotten rid of the TV the iMac and we're watching them on the iMac I have to sign off so my housemates can watch the game (and I will probably watch it with them) and I'm surprised that I'm actually watching a lot of Raptors game this year. I guess I'm on the bandwagon since they won last summer.

Till next time!

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