Thursday 19 September 2019

Steptember climber

I was once asked: "Gabe, why do you front so much"?
I replied: "I don't even know what fronting means".
If it means being inauthentic, then I have fronted before, because to live authentically is to write and communicate in a way that transcends basic barriers of speech, and, insofar as platitudes and weather talk loudly, writing softly is far more challenging for me when I don't have the right people and influences around me to effectively convey what my mind wants to say.

So my gratitude journal is starting to fill up, but I am unsatisfied with what I have written down, because I find it difficult to appreciate all the luxury I take pleasure in whilst living in the centre of the universe. This being said, I can appreciate the fact that materialism can be considered a common force for good. I have an iPod, you have a Nokia, and, as human beings, we have the capacity of finding natural objects that keep us connected and down-to-earth. Are these objects natural, synthetic, or entirely man-machine-made?
I continue to live and write, and I feel loneliness every single day because I don't know which social network I should be spending my time on - if I want to spend time on them at all. Is a cellphone considered part of the social fabric, or are the apps within more important? Do I utilize these pangs of loneliness as a means to an end - to feel, or do I pretend to enjoy the isolation I feel in a city that I find incredibly individualistic? I think that I could probably make a bigger effort to meet new people who are interested in what I have to say (and write).
I withstand the Grammarly plague, and it feels like I'm fighting against a machine that wants to simplify, optimize, and consolidate human knowledge into 0s and 1s. Nothing against those numbers, it's just that letting robots write and correct everything for me seems like a corruption of human artistry. Fantastic writing takes forethought, afterthought, and a willingness to let go of certain writing styles (e.g. stream-of-consciousness, prose, technical etc.). How can a robot possibly improve human written thought? Is it not the most important communication tool, one that bridges generations, cultures, and time?
I borrowed this album from the local library, and I find the melodies particularly catchy. Writing whilst listening to music like this is a lyrical haven for me. This track is called Clone and it was my fave today.