Friday 7 December 2018

Job loss

I feel it's appropriate for me to write a post about what happened.

I don't want to name them because bashing previous employers usually doesn't end well for the employee, but if you've been following my blog for the past few months you should know which company fired me. For me, it is the company that I will forever remember as the one that let me go the day I was supposed to become a permanent salaried employee.

It would be a lie to say that I'm not angry at them for firing me, especially considering that my direct supervisors never told me I was doing a bad job etc.
I bear no ill will towards the corporation, although I now certainly do have an additional reason not to love capitalism.

I will miss the friendly relationships I built with my coworkers on the client care team. I will not miss the interdepartmental tomfoolery, nor will I miss all the weed & paraphernalia. I (and my sister) will most definitely miss the staff parties.

So, do I go back to school? Or maybe I should try working in a completely different environment like a yoga studio, part time? The corporate life was fun, but I think I want something more down to earth.

I really don't want to be a french tutor, mais si ça paye les factures, peut-être devrais-je commencer ma petite entreprise franco. Je ne suis vraiment pas qualifié pour enseigner la grammaire. À vrai dire, je serais surpris si il n'y avais pas d'erreure de grammaire dans ce paragraphe. Non, c'est plûtot mon vocabulaire français que je peux facilement enseigner. Le. La. Pas compliqué pour moi, pas mal compliqué pour les anglos et les autres personnes qui parlent des langues sans gendre.


I said I'd make an effort to add more multimedia to my blog, so here's a picture of Rudolph I half-assed coloured over the weekend: