Sunday 27 May 2012

Plus rien ne m'étonne

C'est une chanson par Tiken Jah Fakoly, un musicien africain. En effet, plus rien ne m'étonne quand je regarde que le côté négatif de la situation humaine sur terre. Est-ce une bonne chose? Je ne sais pas.

Yes, sometimes I purposefully write in french on my public and mostly English blog just to annoy you. Yes, you, the one among many who thought that french class in high school was lame and who was jealous of the fact that I got all the attention from the girls with my flawless spoken french.

But seriously! This song (and the entire album) is awesome! If you're sick of hearing Marley but you like the vibes, I suggest you listen to some other songs off the album too. Yes, they're all in french.


Hey. It's been a while.
I feel bad. I didn't really keep up with the "decrees" even though deep down I wanted to. I let myself get carried away with pixels again.

Don't feel bad about your past decisions in this matter! Energies come and go; you can't always be in the same state of being all the time. You know that.
Yeah, but see that's the problem I'm facing right now. I know things, but I don't really do many things.

You think you're not doing anything, but really you're just comparing yourself to some sort of standard of how much you should be doing. Sure, society wants you to work, study, or otherwise appear busy - and that's probably a good thing - but sulking about the system only gets you so far.
Yes, you're right.

Expressing myself on A Kaleidoughscope of Writings, among other things, is definitely beneficial, but I feel like I'm lacking some sort of attachment to universal energy...  qi, or life force, or something along those lines. It's supposed to be simple: keep your mind, body, and spirit in good shape and simply be.

Simplicity is key. Spiritual decree #6: Instead of solely thinking about your place in the world, feel it.
And I will do that by doing more physical things. I'm going to try playing my drum on a regular basis again. Tiken really inspired me today.

Karma Aspiration Langune Entité Iodinement Dérive Oisellerie Ulysse Guimauve Hurlement Salutaire Citronelle Ophilia Perspicace Ettore

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