Monday 9 April 2012

Dreams and other pretty words

Why are there certain words that we just like more?
I sometimes get complimented on my majestic (and often ill-used) vocabulary and when it comes to archaic words, I see no reason for them to die off simply we've come up with more "hip" words like "tweeting".

It would be machiavellian of me to start listing off random words without proper introduction to them but I feel that this is sometimes almost necessary, considering the sheer amount of hashtag nonsense we see today from the younger generation.

Jeez, I sound like an old man (which I never, ever want to be) with my general ranting on today's youth. But it's true - I really like words, both english, french and maybe a select few other languages that hold a special place in my heart. Words allow us to convey things to each other - it's such a basic principle that we embrace in our lives and sometimes forget to take care of. But in today's modern world, we've emphasized speed over comprehension and it doesn't seem like very many people care about writing properly - which is insidious to our ancient linguistic roots.

Personally, I feel my life would be more meaningful if I received texts in proper grammatical form and especially with proper spelling. I make an effort to write out my texts because I just... love the way they look.
Something about having numbers and random symbols just turns me off.

I think this is why I might be minoring in Linguistics. Either I've been raised to love words (having one too many translators in this house) or I somehow developed an attraction to them in school.

How do you feel about words?
This post was rather academic.
Maybe it should go to my university...
I don't know, I felt like writing something since it's been a while.

Karma Aspiration Langune Entité Iodinement Dérive Oisellerie Ulysse Guimauve Hurlement Salutaire Citronelle Ophilia Perspicace Ettore  

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