
Katima-Hyping + A Miracle Dig

Soon, I will find a way to describe everything with Katimavik. "Oh em gee, these katima-pickles are katima-awesome".

You know why?

Good day Gabriel

This message is to inform you that you have been selected to participate in the first phase of the program, which will begin on September 17th. We would like you to call us back at xxxx-xxx-xxxx #xxxx so that we can give you more information on what will come ahead.

Thank you and have a great day,
Katimavik Participant’s Office

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. It's like that feeling you get when all you grade twelves got your damn University apps (yes, I'm jealous, since I haven't applied this year). But now I've got something. Now I know what I'm doing next year, instead of rotting away in an academic institution, I'll be having one hell of a time. Nine months. I'll get my mail package about the three destinations I'll be going to sometime during the summer and stuff. Hopefully I'll go somewhere in B.C.! They usually have B.C. destinations. That would be ill.

So yeah, I kinda skipped this morning, wasn't feeling up to par and blah blah. But I only missed IB history, which is just review for the big giant exam in a couple of weeks, and Calc. Bahhhh. I'll go this afternoon, promise. "STOP SKIPPING GABE!"

Yours in Katima-Hype,

Karma Aspiration Linger Entity Iodine Darwin Overcast

Ulysses Grievous Hawt Spectre Citron Ophilia Philharmonic Eyeless. 

Hot off the press: yeah, maybe 10 years ago...



I do not know where this blog title came from, do not ask!

So, another blog entry? Why not.
I think a good idea to explain to my recent experiences is to quote The Doors:
Strange days have found us
Strange days have tracked us down
They're going to destroy
Our casual joys
We shall go on playing
Or find a new town
Yes, they're strange, very strange. Ever felt like an outsider somewhere? Naturally.
So, my friend J., whom I had met in the VRA hallways about a year ago invites me to this birthday party. Thing is, everyone at this birthday party is in Grade Ten, except me 0.0. Awkward right? Yeah, somewhat. But not too much, all it took is getting adjusted to the constant shrieking (they're banshees I swear) and everything turned out juuuust fine. Awkward moments are easily forgotten.

There are more pressing matters at hand.
ENOUGH. ABOUT. THE. EFFING. PYJAMA PANTS. Let's get some facts straight, shall we?
Firstly, they are NOT pyjamas, nor do I wear them when I sleep. They are called Thai Fisherman Pants, which I bought on ebay a couple of years ago. They're one size fits all. They're very comfortable, and they're summer-ish.

Yes, I've gotten the pyjama comment a good six times today. It is somewhat funny, yes, but LAY OFF THE PANTS. Thank you.

Am I angry? Not at all! Your blatant ignorance, in fact, amuses me! Bahahaha.

Happy April after all! Work ahead, procrastination ever closer.

I really don't work much, jeez.

Calculus Test and World Issues test tomorrow.

Gotta go procrastinate.

Toodemeddles, readeries.

I had a lot more to say, but it slipped my mind.

Karma Aspiration Linger Entity Iodine Darwin Overcast
Ulysses Grievous Hawt Spectre Citron Ophilia Philharmonic Eyeless.


I Can See For Miles

And miles and miles and miles.

Back to a more traditional blog post that you, the reader, are more accustomed to is what this one will be today. A traditional blog where I relay past events and what is to come.

I skipped the morning and World Issues today to work with my english group on this project. We presented. Wasn't bad, we had to do this whole play about the last section of Fifth Business. I was a pompous, fluffed up character named Boy. It was supposed to be dramatic. People laughed instead. Epic fail? No, because it worked out alright. I guess we couldn't help acting a little silly from time to time. Oh, one thing that I do NOT want to do again is diabolical rapping. Yes, I had the bright idea of getting our group to write lyrics to this random rap beat we found on Youtube. It was horrendous, but people liked it, surprisingly.

Anyway. It's that time of the year again! Badminton regionals. Yeah yeah, whatever, I won't argue with you this time about "badminton is not a real sport!". It ticks me off when I try to convince idiots who think that their sport of watching football on TV or something is soooo totally more of a sport than competitive badminton.

Of course, I will have to wake up rather early to get to Weston. That will be a pain. And usually before such tournaments, I have a hard time going to sleep. But that's getting too personal now. Tomorrow will be a good day! I'll get to (hopefully) see all my buddies from Weston (shoutz out to the one or two of you that even know about the blog, and to the one person whom I think reads it!).

I'm afraid that's all my mind has to say for today. Oh maybe I have time for a little rant, what do you think? That's right, you don't think, you're just a mindless reader who is powerless to stop me from writing what I wish. That's why it's lonely being a blogger sometimes, though.

So, like, I was feeling rather cheap, bored and wanting free stuff a few months ago. So, I signed up on a bunch of websites (and I mean A BUNCH) who would supposedly send me free samples of some random products, books, w/e. What ticks me off is that the ONLY thing I've gotten from these poser-websites is this biography about some cult leader and I now get about two invitations per week to go to some "DOUBLE YOUR INCOME!" conferences at these fancy hotels downtown.

Guess I'll have to be content at shopping at the dollar store again.

Take it easy.
Karma Aspiration Linger Entity Iodine Darwin Overcast
Ulysses Grievous Hawt Spectre Citron Ophilia Philharmonic Eyeless.


The Divine Wings of Tragedy.

I think that this will be the darkest blog I have ever written. Luckily very few people will read this, and as such it really doesn't matter. I'm glad, especially for this post, that I have such a tiny audience. I just really needed to write, and personal journals aren't my thing too much.

You know that feeling, kind of in your stomach, when you have this test and you look over the questions and you don't have a clue on how to answer the questions? Or just how you feel before a major test. I feel like that, perpetually. I can't give anyone the actual reason why, but I feel absolutely horrific.

I'd thought that with a little willpower, I could just make the feeling disappear. Obviously you can't get rid of physical wounds with pure willpower, but emotional, inside wounds? They're much less concrete than physical wounds, so I thought it was just a matter of wishing them away. But I CAN'T. It doesn't work. And these abstract "wounds", if you will, are starting to have real physical effects. But it's very very easy to hide such physical and emotional things sometimes. If people know you as a person who always talks and laughs, and is a very silly person in general, and you usually ARE such a person on the outside, you can't suddenly start acting completely differently, even though it's what you feel like doing, because that's what you feel on the INSIDE. And then, no one ever notices, and you're alone.

Another thing that can stop the symptoms from showing is the fear of something even worse happening is if the true feelings show through. Don't understand? For example: If how you feel does actually end up being shown to the world, depending on what is being shown, you may become an outcast. If you're acting horribly depressed, and do NOT want to talk, how can you expect yourself to function at a social party? At a teamwork-sports game? At school? At any institution where any showing of weaknesses are shown, perhaps the survival of the fittest rule applies. Because you are being weak, people don' t want you anymore. And slowly, but surely, you end up getting out of it.

But why bother with all these abstract thoughts? I don't know what I'm trying to get at too much, I just thought it would be a relief to write things down. It's helped a tiny bit, but I wish the solution would just come. I know the exact solution, the remedy. Unfortunately, I don't have much control on how to have it. And apparently, if I attempt to bring the remedy to me, it actually gets farther away. Bear with me, it's hard trying to code things so that you, the reader, do not know what I am specifically talking about, but so that you are not hopelessly confused. It would be embarrassing if the truth be known, really.

This will be the worst April I've ever had.
Be careful in life, things may not always appear to be what they seem.
