Wednesday 24 April 2024

Transcription is calming as well

Listening to: Paramore, Rush

Finalement! Une chanson Paramore en français! Je ne vais pas me prononcer sur la prononciation (même si c'est ma première réaction dont je veux parler), parce-que sinon j'ouvre la porte à être critiqué pour mon écriture française, qui est effectivement en péril.

Okay so the entire song isn't all in french, but at least the chorus is! You have no idea how refreshing that is, at least to me.

I could get into some writing from the heart that is so effortless for me to do when I haven't slept more than 5 hours, but honestly I prefer sticking to the script. And this ain't part of it.

Yeah, it's refreshing. Because songs tend to either be in english, french, or god-forbid, franglais or patois (same diff).

Again, stick to the script, says one of my muses!

Rush - Force Ten (opposite: one lyric in the song instead of the song's title)


Why are we here? Because we're here. Roll the Bones.

Theoretically, at 21:30, how would I go swimming in the City Corporation of Toronto -> Scary because fungi & insects ((cordyceps is one of the scary ones I think - leads insects to water)) > by the time I get anywhere, it's closed because it's too late.


What am I?




A Homo sapiens.

ChatGPT consulted right after I finished writing the name of my species. I'm sick of being afraid of it, so I just thought I'd mention it just in case someone down the line somehow is able to track my online activity (I think the firewall still works just fine) and tries to link my creative outlet with the use of ChatGPT 3.5 (the link won't be hard to make since I'm literally tagging this post ChatGPT again).

Why did I consult ChatGPT? Initially, to get a dictionary definition of the word transcribe. But then I fell into a 5-10 minute rabbithole of interrogating the AI on if it has access to Oxford or Merriam-Webster or other dictionaries, and it kept telling me it was public information and I just gave up.

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