Tuesday 21 February 2023

The February weather

 I'mma write about the weather. Yeah, the weather. The way I see it, it's better than not writing at all.

So it's February. The winter thus far has been pretty dull. There's been snow, but not much of it overall. It tends to melt, so I think there's been a maximum of two weeks in a row where there was snow on the ground before it all melts due to strange weather phenomenons like near 10° Celsius earlier this month. It's not like I live in an area where we get chinooks (super warm winds that blow into Alberta from the Rockies); no, this is plain ol' southern Ontario weather with a touch of ever-increasing climate change.

The problem with having some snow, and then most of it melting off soon after, is that it leaves ice patches everywhere when it stays cold after, which is dangerous for biking. If there's lots of snow, it's also kind of dangerous because the snow compacts from all the traffic over time and basically turns into ice, too. But when the snow all melts, and it stays warm, if I bundle up, the wind doesn't bother me even if it can feel pretty chilly sometime.

Still, I'd say the winter is coming to an end soon. I'm looking forward to more outdoor activities, and the ease of moving around.

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