I was imagining things I could write about on my blog whilst I was out for a walk yesterday, and I realized that a great majority of my blog posts are really written as is, with little forethought. There's the truly moment-to-moment writing I do with my freewrites, but my regular blog posts are generally written on a whim as well. I guess I try and stick to a topic more when I'm not doing freewrites, but that's one of the only differences.
I have pictures to upload. Stuff I've cooked, graffiti, and natural world things like wild mushrooms and tree cover in the fall. But, most of these pictures are now being taken on my cheap replacement phone (that I just haven't bothered to upgrade because it works fine). That's one thing I miss from my old Windows Phone: good quality pictures (up to 41 megapixels!).
I should get around to uploading photos here and there eventually, because while the photos are sometimes blurry, there's still a story I can tell with them. Really, I'm just a bit lazy and I don't like dealing with Bluetooth transfers and image uploads. There's not much automation there because again my phone is kind of old at this point.
Snow is arriving! It's falling as I write. It's been a few weeks with little to no snow, so although I've enjoyed being able to bike, it's also nice having snow for the quieting effect it has. And it looks pretty, and it's winter after all.
Last note: I'm not listening to much music this month, but I did have a nice walk with some Melodic Progressive electronic playing in my headphones yesterday, and that was nice.