Tuesday 18 September 2018

Hiatus over

In all my years of blogging, this is the first time that I've spent a full year without publishing a post. Thankfully, on my archive list, you will still see 2007-2018 or whatever because I did blog in 2017, and here I am blogging for the first time in 2018. So it won't look like I skipped a year but if you follow this blog, you know that a year gap in blogging is a little excessive even for me.

I wish I could say I've done some deep introspection on how I want to move forward with this blog, maybe with a more focused approach to posts and maybe some redesign to get up to date to the late 2010s. And to be honest, this introspection is about as deep as what I've written so far, so honestly, it's not much introspection. I'm probably just going to keep blogging like I did before, albeit a little more frequently.

For today, I'm far too tired to add a picture or something colorful to the post, so I'm going to just keep writing. Who knows for how long - I actually do get tired at 10pm now that I get up early for work.
I'll probably end up talking about my job some other time. That's what takes up most of my time these days. At least during the week.

On Saturdays I like the farmer's market. Sometimes I get this lemonade, it's kind of pricey but you get 50 cents back if you return the cup they give you. I'm always thirsty on Saturday mornings and a hot coffee during the summer is just about the last thing I want to drink. So I'm okay with paying for overpriced lemonade instead of overpriced coffee.

I listen to a podcast called No Such Thing as a Fish on my commute down the university line in the mornings and it's a fun way to wake up my brain. Each week, they present four really random facts that they've uncovered and go into details with absurd and hilarious results. I do like my British humor, and I have to suppress laughter in crowded trains sometimes.

Till next time.

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