Friday 20 May 2016

Some free writing on a hot spring day

Hey it's Friday! Hey I'm feeling ambivalent about this long weekend. I have something planned on Monday, and that something is a nature expedition. Into the wild. It's not actually that wild because it's in the middle of the city but my guidebook with a personalized note in it says that it will take me two hours and fifty minutes to complete the circuit. I'm going with a friend and I wanna invite this third person but I've never hung out with her aside from her official duties and it's a little scary to send an invitation to someone because they might say no and then you feel rejected.

Scary scary things. I'm not scared, I felt like this on my way home. I'm not scared, I felt like this on my way home. Inspired by music and music is playing while I write on my blog which I used to do all the time, like that one time I was listening to Guns n' Roses and I ended up quoting some lyrics at the end of my post in 2008.

I went back to try and find that post that mentions GnR but I can't seem to remember what song or what post I was talking about and it's too bad because I read online recently that it's a good thing to link back to previous posts on your blog when you mention them. It allows for better continuity or something like that.

I love November Rain. I was singing along to it while I was cooking breakfast for my sister and I this morning and at first I thought I was singing well but then my throat started to hurt the tiniest bit and I thought "if my throat hurts then I'm not using my diaphragm which means I'm not singing well".

I ran into Kate on St. Clair today. Well, not literally because she was sitting eating dinner on a patio and I was just slowly walking by on my way home after badminton and she was in a conversation with some older folk and I wasn't sure if I should interrupt or not. So I said "Hey" and she coolly said "hey", but not cool as in distant, more cool as in that cool way of being nonchalant. And she asked if I was still at UofT and I hesitated because I don't really know.

Whoa! It's pretty cool that when I started writing I was feeling kind of sad and lonely like that kind of loneliness you feel when you've missed your shot at going on a road trip with your best friends and now I don't feel nearly as bad because I've written a kaleidoughscope of writings. That's what a KoW is. A kaleidoughscope of writings, or little fragments here and there of what's going on in my head.

I'm feeling more unsure about how the kaleidoughscope fits since I don't eat dough at all anymore. Not even cookie dough ice cream. Because that stuff is not good for my brain. Like, did you know that for gluten sensitive people like me, gluten stops blood flow to the brain, specifically the prefrontal cortex? You can scroll to just below the picture with the frowning toast for that citation if you'd like.

It's getting late and I am tired. I'm listening to Lights again, but mostly her earlier songs because I find they're more positive and less sexual than the later stuff. Okay, maybe her later stuff isn't sexual at all and I'm just imagining things and yet... the cover art on Siberia has a bit more cleavage than I'd like but who am I to judge. Regardless, I'm listening to this one song called Face Up and it's the last song I'll listen to tonight. It starts 46 seconds or so if you want to skip her intro but she talks about her cat a bit before and I like cats so I start it at the beginning.


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