Sunday 28 April 2013

An excerpt from my studies

So here I am, reading and studying through my Sociology textbook for my exam tomorrow.
I read pretty fast, and the language is usually not too complicated for me to understand.

But then I get to section III of my Reading Sociology book and I get stuck with this doozy: "Estimation of multilevel logistic regressions model parameters relied on iterative generalized least squares using a predictive quasi-likelihood method with second order Taylor expansion (PQL-2) (Snidjers and Bosker 1999)."

What. the. eff.



I'm done my first full year at UofT tomorrow. Yay! This summer will be amazing; finally, a radical change from all the other shitty summers I've had.

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1 comment:

  1. Taylor series expansion method is used to develop an approximate function for a set of data points. The model in question will follow this mathematical skeletal function (being a second order expansion):,d.dmQ&psig=AFQjCNFO43YDyPpEw4Sw5PFwFqN5t7Ajtg&ust=1367364476898588
