Wednesday 23 November 2011

My song

For the longest time, I've had a huge problem with people who claimed ownership to a song, as if the song was destined for them and them only. I perceived it as arrogant and disrespectful to the music and the musicians. Though I don't go clubbing often, I oft hear about the stereotypical white girl with her gang of friends who screeches out "OMG GIRLS THIS IS LIEK TOTALLY OUR SONG!!!!!!" when the DJ puts on a fun tune.

But after many years, I've come to the realization that if associating your being to a song has a certain healing power to the listener, who am I to judge which music belongs to who? Music, in my head, doesn't belong to anyone. The copyright belongs to whoever owns it; and there's nothing wrong with making money off music (especially if it's a musician's only livelihood). Obviously, most of the big record labels are complete money whores and really don't deserve their position on the current pyramid scale of power.

I guess the problem I had - and probably still have - is that a lot of people think that just because a song is "oh my gawd amazin'" that this somehow gives them the right to push it down others peoples throats - without being mindful that maybe the other entity likes another song just as much.

If I may make a dangerous parallel, it's very similar to the religious folk who push their religion down other peoples' throats without care that maybe their religion is only applicable to themselves and not others. There's nothing wrong with opening up the possibility that a song is amazing to someone else, but please stop there, unless you're invited to share.

On that note, I leave you with my song, or, to be more accurate, a song that I feel completely represents my life. I've tried to share songs with a close group of friends, but that didn't work out and in fact resulted in the previous blog post - all of the lyrics I remixed in Gabe (ft. Meto Kaiba) are based off my own reality. There's nothing "made up" in there. The Charm refers to my Katimavik group, if you didn't know. And I've left the facebook group that I've been in for more than a year now because I just couldn't handle how aggressive and judgemental they were of my music and my own being.

This is Solitary Shell by Dream Theater, off the "Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence" album, which is rumoured to be an album all about different types of mental illnesses. In my world, it's an album related to my spectrum theory of existence.

Please enjoy. And to me, the most important thing is for you, the reader/listener, to listen carefully to the lyrics, however enthralling the instrumentals may be.

P.S. Is anyone still interested in my audiologs? I have a great recording program, a shitty microphone, and no idea how to host my voice on my blog. Any ideas? Do leave a comment if you can!

Karma Aspiration Langune Entité Iodinement Dérive Oisellerie Ulysse Guimauve Hurlement Salutaire Citronelle Ophilia Perspicace Ettore

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