
Flip flopping weather

No, not flip-flop weather; flip flopping weather. Meaning, it snows a bit. Stops. Temperature rises, snow melts. Temperature falls just enough - it snows again. Still no sun. This time the snow sticks, and the sun finally comes out, but oh no! It's -15 below with wind chill! So it's cold but at least there's sun. But then, it starts warming up again. Rain on the forecast for this week, actually. All the snow melts - again - and if we're unlucky, the temperature will dip once more and the melted snow will turn to dangerous ice and make transportation difficult.

Such is the flip flopping weather cycle in Toronto this year. There were, I believe, a total of two tiny snowfalls at the end of 2023, where the snow lasted at most a couple days, and then nothing until January. Without checking the stats, I'm confident that thus far this winter has been the one with the least amount of snow. Which is regrettable, because I like having a winter that feels like a winter, and despite snow shovelling being a chore, I still enjoy getting the exercise when I can.

A gentle snow is falling now at this very moment. And it's good to be grateful about the present moment. So I'm content with seeing that gentle snowfall outside my window, but knowing that it's probably going to rain tomorrow, I won't even bother shovelling anything. Oh well. Time to enjoy the snow while it's there!

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