
Puzzled by large moving objects

I walk down the street and I observe all sorts of big SUVs and similar vehicles everywhere. And I start to wonder what kind of life these people have to be able to afford these things. What kind of jobs they have, the stress they have to deal with, the responsibilities they take care of. And while I have no desire to own an SUV (I might feel different if I had my driver's license), still, I compare myself to these ghosts of people that are inside these roaming vehicles.

Are they not stressed out by the debt they undertake? Isn't it annoying to have to pay so much every month when there's public transit and biking in the city?

The other day, I saw what I call the "parade of terrible investments". It's a lineup of dozens of SUVs, idling, waiting to pick up their kids single file at a local school. They have a whole system that "snakes" the vehicles around and back out through the public streets. I am always impressed when I pass by this. What a strange thing it is to behold, if you think about it. But, it passes off as totally normal.

I can't afford these large moving objects, and so I wonder about them.

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