Wednesday 19 June 2019

WP: Can I accept where I'm at right now?

This post was inspired by a review of an article published in The Atlantic last week, and since I'm not quite sure how to cite e-mails, and since I'm still recovering from not being a university student anymore, I'm just going to say that Sundays with Sisson is the source and finish this run-on sentence by fully disclosing that I haven't actually read the afore-hotlinked article but that the gist of it is as follows:
  • More square feet =/ happiness
I can anecdotally confirm that more square feet (when it comes to real estate) doesn't lead to more happiness. My theory is that the bigger houses we build, the more physically divided we become, and, as such, because there's more space between human beings, we physically become lonelier.

The happiest days of my life were spent living in a tiny closet not unlike the one Harry Potter lived in in the first few books (spoiler alert? if you're from the future, which you are if you read this, Harry Potter is arguably the most influential and popular book series of the 2000s). And those days were happy not because of the square footage, but because of the people I lived with.

Anyway, back on the subject matter: Can I accept where I'm at right now?
The fact that I'm frantically writing all these words out to an empty constellation of internet protocols means that I probably have trouble doing that, but hey: at least I'm thinking about it.

Point being: instead of chasing things that don't matter like incredible deals on plants and the latest screen technologies, I should probably focus my attention on crafting better writing.

And so here I am, and I still refuse to triple check my own writing and the 2nd best thing I can do is attach an image that shows that I'm working on being present:

High Park a few days ago. A natural shade of green canvasses the landscape.  

Cheerful times ahead! Only a few more days until summertime.

Still just me writing things out, but I'll sign with my new pen name: