Thursday 25 April 2019

Solid idea, solid execution; awful food, weird architecture.

I'm preparing for open mic or practising good judgment or preparing for a career as a writer. My informal review of Stella's Place
Apologies for the poor grammar.

The nutritional value of the food you provide is subpar at best, and I think this organization should stop accepting crap food donations from places like Second Harvest without some sort of quality control in place to ensure that the food that you are feeding participants is edible and life-sustaining.
You are not helping the most vulnerable populations and are instead encouraging high-sugar processed food consumption.

If you're here to help youth-young adults, why are you feeding them things that ravage the brain?

My first guess is that this organization does not know how to allocate non-profit money properly; or, you hire too many people and thus there's just not enough money to invest in food. If you don't feed people decent food, then you're supporting crap food addiction.

My second guess is that you leave the crap food out to encourage people to make better food decisions; or, because you're environmental warriors and think that downcycling food to needy populations will solve the humanitarian/homelessness crisis in the GTA.

As a one-time financial supporter of this organization, I am disappointed in the direction this place has taken in recent years.


J'ai hâte de cuisiner chez vous! Mais malheureusement, je ne serais plus d'âge à participer à vos programmes quand votre nouvelle batisse sera construite.
