Friday 1 February 2019

Free writing mixed with some editing

So Google - Google Opinion Rewards to be more precise, is asking me a lot of questions today. It's probably a coincidence that I was sitting in the APUS' (Association of Part-time Undergraduate Students) office filling out paperwork when Google decided to prompt me with a benign demographic question: "What category of student are you?" - can you guess what I answered?

        I like spending time filling out surveys because I usually assume that it helps someone out. A philosophical thinker might ask: "but does it help someone or something out?". Both, is a practical answer. I can assume that I have filled out a survey (not necessarily with Google) that no one read - can't I? Sure I can, but it's hard to prove.

Anyway, one point I'm trying to make is that writing surveys for the sake of writing surveys doesn't mean much, because the purpose of most surveys is to analyze someone's perception of things and if you're just filling in surveys because you get an extrinsic reward, then you have wasted the survey-maker's time - again, broadly speaking. If you fill out a survey 'cause you want the chance to potentially win fast food prizes, then you might be a survey taker like me.

This might be the most boring topic I've ever written about on this blog. Congratulations, U of T, you're turning me into something super boring again. Okay it's not U of T's fault; by the way, there isn't really such a thing as "U of T" other than the physical spaces that the collective buildings occupy, and maybe the online cyberspace presence, something usually involving the "" domain.

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